David Icke President Bush and Tony Blair(with a bomb strapped to my chest) Open minded people Strange and deranged people Robots Wizards (but only ones that can shoot lazer beams) Jim Keith Bob Frissel Dark and twisted people Drunvalo Melchizedek Robert Anton Wilson Political Activists People who are as addicted to electronic music as I am Nina Simone Plato The Dali Llama People who party like its their last day on earth Scientists of all descriptions Philosophers Creative people Those that are awakened People who inspire me to do better in everything I do
All musical forms that include breakbeats as the main ingredient, anything bass heavy, underground electronica, bluegrass and world music.
Breaks FM Streaming Radio (Breaks 24/7)
Far too many to mention.......................................
As little as possible but I'm a sucker for Lost and Prison Break and most things sci fi
Celestine Prophecy, Zen Flesh and Zen Bones, Children Of the Matrix, On The Road, Angels and Demons, Cosmic Trigger trilogy, All Platos works (im slowly getting through them all), Nothing In This Book Is True But Its exactly How Things Are to name a few