la famille, mes 2 petits schtroumpfs, flea markets, listening to music, to travel, arts, the beach, esoterism and everyhings that makes me dream...
maybe Marilyn Manson ... or the rabbit(from Alice in wonderland), and sometimes the cat(from Alice...) LEWIS CARROLL .... and a late afternoon with Bob Marley ;) and Ray Ceasar
a bit of everything...
Every movie from Pedro Almodovar, Amelie Poulain, peau d'ane, the wicker man (the original), 37.2 le matin, l'ete meurtrie, noce blanche, all Tim Burton's work, all Luc Besson's work :especially "the big blue", Alice in wonderland, "the Kid" with Chaplin, Pinocchio (the italian serie), Rosemary's baby, movies with Gene Wilder, un chien andalou from Bunuel, every movie with Christopher Walken, Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich- and of course Krzysztof KIESLOWSKI's work. and more rescent : August Rush, and so many more...
Anything british...(love Eddie Izzard, Absolutly fabulous, the league of gentlemen, old Gregg...)
Siddhartha from Herman HESSE, the alchimist from Paulo COELHO,l'herbe rouge de BORIS VIAN, les feurs du mal de BEAUDELAIRE, Lewis CARROLL,the teachings of DonJuan... from Carlos CASTANEDA, le "rouge et le noir" de STENDHAL, le nom de la rose d'Umberto ECCO, Tropic of cancer from MILLER ... et l'inoubliable ''petit prince'' de SAINT EXUPERY... and maybe"les nuits fauves" de cyril COLLARD!!! Et tant d'autres... Althoug it has been so long that i read a good one...
HIM, ma mere, ma grandmere et la mer...