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Bear's Flint!


About Me

All the following Bear facts are TRUE.Bear Grylls can turn clouds into Lilt with just his flint and water bottle, Bear likes the totally tropical taste.
Bear Grylls was once asked to remove his flint and water bottle before a flight to America from London, Bear declined, walked outside and with his flint and water bottle and teleported accross the Atlantic.Bear Grylls vs Wild....wild got scared and attempted to sue Bear Grylls, his flint and water bottle, the case didnt go to court, Wild knew Bear was unbeatable.Bear Grylls just using his flint and water bottle can skin graft any thing to anybody.Bear Grylls can dance, when he does the country Belgium have a national days holiday.Bear Grylls' flint shavings are what you see when you look into a kaleidoscope.Bear Grylls used his flint and water bottle for the demoliton of the Berlin wall.Bear Grylls can hear when doves cry, when he does a simple spark from his flint soothes their pain.
Bear Grylls can and will help you manage your debts, his flint and water bottle are currency in 63 countries.
Bear Grylls can shoot down missiles, simply by looking at them in the sky, pointing his flint and saying "bang"
Bear Grylls doesnt use revolving doors, revolving doors go around him.
Bear Grylls can make Gambia the magnetic north and Cambodia the magnetic south whenever he choses with just the use of his flint and water bottle.
Bear Grylls can get striaght thru to any call centre, no holding, no waiting, no bull shit Bear gets served.
Bear Grylls had a round of golf with Tiger Woods the other day, tiger had his full set, Bear played with just a makeshift club fashioned out of his flint and water bottle, Bear got holes in one on every hole.Bear Grylls he aint afraid of no ghost.
Bear Grylls solved the Da Vinci Code in 15 mins, all he used was his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls built the Hubble Telescope, all he used was his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls can make Leap years every 2 years with just the use of his flint and water bottle.
Bear Grylls, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Pol Pot and Robert Mugabe, what have they got in common, nothing Bear Grylls is mint, has a flint a water bottle, where as they are all cocks.
Bear Grylls using only his flint and water bottle can turn the blood of flamigo's into any flavour ice lolly.
Bear Grylls knows if you are sleeping, knows if you're awake, he knows if you've been good or bad, so be good for YOUR own sake.
Bear Grylls created a cartoon called "Flint Gordon" years later somebody changed it to "Flash Gordon" Bear wasnt happy, however Queen did the soundtrack to the movie version, Bear, his flint and water bottle got a copy, Bear cheered up.
Bear Grylls bungee jumps without any chord, his flint can stretch whenever he needs it to.Bear Grylls with his flint and water bottle beside him can increase the value of you home by 20k just by looking at it.Bear Grylls guest starred on the Deadliest Catch 2years ago...he didnt need any "pots" to catch the crab...he caught 15,000 crab with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls could tell you what your problem is, he choses not to, he doest want to abuse the power of his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls climbed up Niagra Falls, no rope, he didnt even use his hands, he used his flint between his lips and his water bottle collected water for when, sorry if he got thirsty on the way up.Bear Grylls is visible in pitch dark, his flint and water bottle act as illumination devices, however they are so blinding to the human eye you cant even see Bear.Bear Grylls fought the law, he won, his flint and water bottle tipped the balance in his favour.Bear Grylls' flint and water bottle are the meaning of life.Bear Grylls is actually constantly naked, his flint and water bottle trick the human eye into thinking he's clothed.Bear Grylls cant be mocked its a physical impossibility, his flint and water bottle are just to fucking amazing.Bear Grylls can prove the existance of aliens with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls won a Michael Jackson look-a-like contest he didnt even enter, just by standing and watching whilst holding his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls wrote the Beatles classic "all you need is love" oirginally it was "all you need is flint" John Lennon changed it...Bear wasnt happy.Bear Grylls would have saved the Titanic if he had of been alive, with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls can speak and understand every language in the world, his flint and water bottle act as a translation device.Bear Grylls can download at 50mb using only his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls visited Michigan one day about 30 years ago, he had his water bottle with him and another object, a man said whats that Bear, Bear Grinned, its my flint my friend....the man weeped with joy and declared from now on this town will be called Flint, Michigan.Bear Grylls doesnt use a mobile/cell phone, his water bottle and flint when combined allow him to make free calls to anybody he wants.Bear Grylls read Prof. Stephen Hawkins "A brief history of time" Bear thought it wasnt brief enough, he re-wrote it and its now a handy 1 page pamphlet.Bear Grylls flint and water bottle is what "Willis was talkin' bout"Bear Grylls using only his flint and water bottle can detect earthquakes upto 4 months before they happen.Bear Grylls freed Nelson Mandela from prison, with just the use of his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls can understand binary code using just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls is still upset with Elton John regarding the song "Can you feel the love tonight" Bear originally wrote "Can you feel my flint tonight" which is obviously much better.Bear Grylls name when wrote on a chalk board turns invisible within 3 seconds, Bears knowledge of camouflage knows no bounds.Bear Grylls hunts in a pack, his flint and water bottle usually circle their prey before Bear attacks.Bear Grylls when Google'd brings up 197,000 results, which is no coincidence as thats how long Bear can live for.Bear Grylls doesnt want you to feel bad, however, he is always right so dont challenge him.Bear Grylls eyelids are constantly shut, his flint and water bottle give the illusion that he has them open, with his eyes shut Bear can rest even tho he doesnt actully need to as hes fucking amazing.Bear Grylls can prove the moon landing was fake, with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls, said 5 times in a mirror leaves you thinking of a flint and water bottle for the rest of your day.Bear Grylls when translated into Hebrew literally means, "i only fucking need a flint and water bottle"Bear Grylls knows your secrets, his flint and water bottle can read your mind.Bear Grylls will eat anything, alive or dead, his flint and water bottle kill all deadly bacteria, germs and make everything taste like heaven.Bear Grylls created the internet with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls fought the whole Nazi army and won with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls can make rainbows appear or dissapear with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls climed Everest in about an hour with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls created the Grand Canyon with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls flew to Japan from the Uk, not in a plane however, in a craft fashioned with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls bends time with just his flint and water bottle.Bear Grylls decides your fate with just his flint and water bottle.

My Interests

Flint Water bottle
Defeating The World with the above.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody who cant match my prowess with a just a flint and water bottle.


I create my own, using what i hear you ask...thats flint and water music once heard thru the ears of a human will make anything else sound shit.


I own the rights to all films ever made, i obtained these with the use of my flint and water bottle.


Man vs Wild...fuck nature ive got a flint and water bottle....Born Survivor....i only need a flint and a water bottle and i could live forever.


1001 practicle uses for a flint.The Catcher and the Flint.Charlie and the chocolate flint.One flint over the cuckoo's nest


Anybody who lives in Flint, Michigan.Andrew FlintoffThe Flintstonesbear grylls is the shit

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