The Stripped Sessions is the brain child of singer/songwriter S. Eric Ketzer and Victoria from Remix Promotion. It is a concept that Eric developed back in 2004 while playing with EKe yet still needing to feel the rush of a solo performance.
The essence of a Stripped Session is 2 fold:
(1) Feature performers that are stripped of their bands.
(2) Provide an open forum for musicians to collaborate in a live setting, providing the audience with a show that can never be reproduced.
Seems simple doesn’t?
So here is how the shows go down. Eric opens each Stripped Session with a set of 4 tunes, then each performer will follow playing 4 songs each. After each performer has had their time in the solo spotlight, all 4 singer/songwriters return to the stage to play in the round. The round will last until the bar closes down. Now this is not your typical Nashville round where the songwriters look at each other and nod approvingly. During a Stripped Session artists are encouraged to play along with each other, to add leads, fills, alternate guitar parts, blow some harp, break out a mandolin...they are encouraged to form a collective that will only happen for that one night, leaving the audience with something they can cherish forever.
With the assistance of Victoria, Remix Promotions, and the Ten Mile House, the Stripped Sessions has found a home, filling the spot once held down by Eric’s former band, Whiskey Daydream. The 1st Friday of every month you can head down, up, or over to Affton, MO and see some of the regions best singer/songwriters doing what they do best, giving you their soul.
If you are a singer/songwriter, and would be interested in stripping yourself of your band for one unforgettable night of music, send me a message so I can check out your stuff and hopefully get you scheduled...Eric