Elemental Energy Productions, Inc. profile picture

Elemental Energy Productions, Inc.

Make a difference!

About Me

Advance Tickets Available Now!

Advance tickets for the 2nd Annual Clean Energy Expo are on sale now. $40. includes two nights camping and three days of music and art, with speakers and demonstrations of various interesting things.

Ongoing Membership Drive

Those who wish to become members of Elemental Energy Productions should contact us at
Elemental Energy Productions
P.O. Box 105
Seymour, CT 06483

Membership dues are $20. per year, and entitle the member to receive our newsletter and to work or volunteer for the Mission. Memberships are of two types, individual or corporate. Bands, vendors, etc., who wish to be considered for the shows should join as corporate members. Individuals wishing to be considered for a position on the Board of Directors should become individual members.
Please include a check or money order for $20. annual dues per membership, along with Name, Address, Contact Phone if desired, and email address, to the P.O. Box listed above.
Mission Statement:
Our organization exists for the purpose of fostering awareness of:
    Clean Energy sources, primarily wind and solar. Local Talent, primarily music and art.
This dual purpose shall be accomplished by the staging of multimedia productions, or shows.
Our goal is to demonstrate the viability of alternative energy sources by using them to power our shows. In addition, we hope to provide local musicians and artists with an enthusiastic audience for their works.
We will raise public awareness of the necessity and the viability of clean energy, and of ecological concerns in general. We will also raise public awareness of the importance of artistic expression, whether at an amateur or a professional level.
All of this is to be accomplished by organizing, promoting, and presenting our shows.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/12/2007
Band Website: elementalenergyproductions.org
Band Members:
The Bothering of the Elephants

Spin Ray & new girl

Solar Jam Productions' Solar Trailer w/ new panels
September 7 article in Litchfield Times (click for larger image)
Record Label: EEP
Type of Label: Indie