Art/Artist, Music/writing music, rituals, mythology, ancient civilizations, alien abduction & contact, Hammer Films and Classic Horror, Egyptian Art, German Expressionism, Art Nouveau, Northern Renaissance & Mannerist painters, Pre Columbian Art, live shows, exhibitions
Artist/Musicians...people with similar interests
BLACK SABBATH, FILTHY FEW, Entombed, Voivod, OLD, Diabolic Possession, Porn Huskers,(sic), Order from Chaos, Pestilence, Coroner, Rigor Mortis, Ripping Corpse, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Celtic Frost, Naplam Death. Carcass, Athiest, Destruction, Tre Ponom Pal, Sabbath influenced bands like: Kyuss & Operator Genorator and others. Bungle, Melt Banana, Jucifer, early Ministry, Godflesh & Pitchshifter. Plus a ton of others...Thrash, Speedcore, Doom, Grind, Prog. & most Metal styles, Mars Volta, Zepplin, Stanley Clarke & Return to Forever, early punk acts - X, Ramones, Pistols, Thunders, Subhumans, Raw Power, the Street Urchins!, Helios,Experimental stuff, My musical interests are varied and eclectic....
Kubrick,Dryer,FWMernau,Herzog,Bergman,Lang,Lynch...Hammer Films/ Classic Horror
Dr. Who
1984, Art books, Sex books, Ancient History & Mythology, Fanzines & Underground press,subversive & perverse literature ect....
Tony Iommi, Tuco, Vlad Tepes, Odd Nerdrum, Bill Ward,Ritchie Blackmore