Layout by CoolChaser
Please give to the National Down Syndrome Society
Please click the banner below and sign the petition for Down Syndrome...
This video is so true. I've heard our children and some of their friends saying things like, man i'll be glad when i get old enough to move out and do what I want to and I can make my own rules...Well kiddo's wake up take a look at this video and you will understand all of us grownups have been there done that and I know every time I hear this song it makes me cry. I wouldn't take nothing for my family or my husband but if I only knew then what I know now I would not have rushed into growing up...PLEASE if you havent heard this song take a minute site down click play and listen to Trace Adkins sing this song. And just maybe all of you who I have said...(dont rush your life because your gonna miss it when it's gone) will now understand what I meant when I told you that...
I love all of you and want nothing but for all of you to enjoy your childhood, teenage years and young adulthood...dont rush your life , you have to enjoy your life while you can....You know I miss those days but I'm happy with my life a mom and wife and yeah i'm still gonna miss this when it's gone...
My long time friend made this and sent it to me in a comment I denied the comment because it didn't show up and then when I went to delete it from my mail it showed up so I decided to just add it to my site...Thanks BB Love Ya G/F
DOWN SYNDROME CREED My face may different, but my feelings the same
I laugh and I cry, and take pride in my gain.
I was sent here among you to teach you to love,
As God in the heavens look down from above,
To him, I'm no different, his love knows no bounds
It's those here among you, in the cities and towns,
That judge me by standards, that man has imparted
But this family I've chosen will help me get started,
For I'm one of the children, so special and few
That came here to learn the same lessons as you ~~
That love is acceptance, it must come from the heart
We all have the same purpose , though not the same start,
The lord gave me life, to live and embrace
And I'll do it as you, but at my own paceA friend made this for me that is on the Be Down site so I had to add this to my page..Thanks Blue :)
By bluestarman at 2008-06-29
My Husband,My Mom and our kids and mostly our son who has Down Syndrome.Our son was born with Leukemia,heart problems,reflux,enlarged liver,Down Syndrome and the list could go on..But our son has fought so hard and he is doing really great, he's one of the strongest people I have ever met. You couldn't ask for a better child. He's just a loving little boy with a BIG HEART.