Politics, science, matters of the world. Since 20% of people believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth, I think those are pretty important matters. NOVA :)
I'd like to meet:
George W. Bush. Well, not so much meet, as ...oh wait, I can go to jail for saying that. Nevermind. Also, my baby-daddy.
Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Doors, Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Weezer, Guster, The Cars, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, David Bowie, Michael Jackson, World Inferno Friendship Society, Mr. Bungle, Spacehog, Nirvana, Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Steely Dan, White Stripes, Macha, No Doubt, Marcy Playground, Outkast, SOAD, Bob Dylan, The Moldy Peaches, The Attorneys, Jack Johnson, Jimmy Eat World, Beck, Radiohead, Coldplay, Sublime, Marielle, THE MACHINE!, Themachinelive.com
Baron Munchausen, Edward Scissor Hands, The Princess Bride, Donnie Darko, 12 Monkeys, Office Space, Gattica, Monty Python's The Holy Grail, The Ruttles, Motorama (for the novelty), Star Wars, Star Trek First Contact, Jurassic Park, Earth Girls Are Easy, Super Troopers, Nightmare Before Christmas, Club Dread, 2001, Anything With Young John Travolta's Ass, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Memento, Predator, T2, The Doors, Happy Accidents (a beautiful movie), Fear and Loathing, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, WB's Thumbelina, The Little Mermaid, I 3 Huckabees, Shawn of the Dead
Real Time with Bill Maher, Daily Show, Newsradio, Twilight Zone, Blind Date, Star Trek: Next Gen & Voyager, Elimidate, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Home Movies, Mr. Show, Family Guy, Howard Stern, Sex And The City, Colbert Report
1984, The Handmaids Tale, Oryx and Crake, I Robot, Earth is Room Enough, The Poisonwood Bible (a perfect novel), 2001 Space Odyssey series, Evolution: a novel, Everything by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Especially Galapagos and Breakfast of Champions, Shogun, The Accidental Tourist, Rule of the Bone, Stranger in a Strange Land (my god so fuckin hot), Doomesday Book, To Say Nothing Of The Dog, Passage (this book should come with a warning "May make you stay up all night"), Son of the Circus, World According to Garp
My cat. Odysseus. He is awesome. He rocks my socks more than you do, probably. Sorry.