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About Me

A man goes to the doctor. Says he's depressed. He says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. The doctor says "The treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him, that should pick you up." The man bursts into tears. He says "But doctor... I am Pagliacci."
-an old joke, as told in The Watchmen by Alan Moore
"When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him." -The Eleventh Satanic Rule, Anton Szandor Lavey
I was born in New Jersey in 1972. We lived there for a year or so and then moved to West Virginia, where my parents were born and raised. I lived there until I was 8 and then we moved to Puyallup, WA on a company transfer. I lived there until I moved out and went to college at the UW in Seattle in 1990. I lived in Seattle for about 10 years and then moved to Bremerton, WA for a variety of reasons, primarily economics. It's funny that we create these little chronologies that are supposed to be informative, but really do nothing but provide a convenient synopsis that you can insert into a conversation when someone makes a polite but generally perfunctory inquiry.
I've worked as a manure loader, a garden department clerk, a housepainter, a barrista, a research scientist, a telephone support technician, a photograph retoucher and a digital artist. Again, a list of titles that don't really contribute much to one's knowledge of who a person really is.
I've always had an interest in art, music and science - though I'm too much of a daydreamer to perform well in a working laboratory. I would hear a timer going off only to realize that I had lost my train of thought and forgotten what the timer was for. I work in an art-related field now, where a bit of daydreaming is encouraged. My artwork is used in advertising mostly. You've seen it.
I try to always stay involved with music in one way or another. I write and record when I can and have been involved as a musician on 3 albums, two of which were released, as well as being a mixing engineer on a few other bands' projects. I have played in clubs and colleges, barns, grange halls, community centers, art galleries and smoky dives. My bands have opened for bands you'd recognize like The Posies, Presidents of the United States, Silkworm and Rocket From The Crypt, but mostly we played with other bands like ourselves - making noise for our own enjoyment and for the entertainment of a few enduring fans and career alcoholics.
I believe that drugs should be legalized as a matter of personal freedom, and that mushrooms in particular are every human being's birthright. That being said, I don't drink or take drugs any more as a matter of choice. I've got some things I want to accomplish, and I have a feeling that they're going to be challenging enough with my complete mental faculties.
I was born an atheist. I feel this is an accurate statement because I cannot recall ever truly believing in a supernatural being or force. As far back as I can remember, I have never felt that I was being told the truth while someone was providing me with religious instruction. I'm not sure whether this is the result of the inherent implausibility of their mythologies or whether I was picking up on the internal doubts of my teachers through their body language or tone of voice. I could go on for days on this subject, as it's one of my favorites. I remain open to the possibility that we as humans do not yet know all that there is to know about the workings of the universe and consciousness, but I refuse to erase the question marks and pencil in "God" where no proof exists.
Politically speaking, I tend to line up on the liberal/progressive side of the fence. Though I do break ranks with the Democratic Party on several issues. In short, a government should provide for a minimum level of health, education and welfare for its citizens throughout their lives. Apart from that, the government should not interfere. Personal freedom is a right which should never be diminished except to ensure that one's actions are not interfering with the quality of life of another person.
I have travelled the western United States extensively. Some of my favorite places: Crater Lake, Mono Lake, Bryce Canyon, Zion Nat'l Park, the Oregon sand dunes, Yellowstone Nat'l Park, Magic Mountain (Woo Hoo!). I recently made my first to Europe, Italy specifically, where I spent two weeks touring the country by bus. I enjoyed in tremendously and hope to do more travelling as soon as I can afford it.
I like a good laugh. I like making people laugh too, though I'm not a comic by any stretch. I'm just kinda funny sometimes. If you're a kid and you move to a new town and you don't want to get into fights with the local thugs, it helps to be funny. If you're a chunky kid in jr. high school with braces, you'd be better be freaking hilarious.
To Be Continued...

My Interests

CATS! also... Air hockey; chillaxing with my baby; being in the company of good friends; playing and recording music; playing drums; painting; building things; taking things apart; doing little things to fix up our house; riding my motorcycle - and twisting the throttle all the way back when there's no one around; the 1980 Gibson SG firebrand, Travis Bean Guitars , sometimes cooking; reading books - mostly fiction because politics is just too depressing right now; reading comic books - but only when they're collected into book form because I don't want to be a collector geek; once every few years I like to do a massive jigsaw puzzle; making pictures on the computer in Photoshop and 3D Studio; playing video games, mostly FPS and RPG (ie. Half-life, Deus Ex, Final Fantasy, The Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion); relaxing around the house; listening to music and watching dvds; looking at the sky at night; hanging out with rover, z and leaf; walking around the neighborhood; laying on the couch next to the fireplace and drifting in and out of consciousness; going out to eat; watching movies, talking music with other muso geeks...and steak quesadillas.

I'd like to meet:

That's Mark Borchardt, filmmaker/irrepressible creative force/badass.
And anyone else who inspires me artistically, politically, musically or personally. As it so happens, I've already got a handful of very close folks who do a pretty good job of that. So for the most part I'm here to keep tabs on the bands that I'm into and also to find out about new bands that I might like.


I play bass in a band called Mico de Noche. You can look them up in my friend list until I get around to making a link.
I also make music under the name Redwing Blackbird. You can find it here. Um...once I post it.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Sigur Ros, Radiohead, Jesus Lizard, Godflesh, Jesu, NMVGPTS R.I.P., Mogwai, Tortoise, Metallica (pre Black album), Alabama Thunder Pussy, Katatonia, Opeth, Down, Earth, Kyuss, Death From Above 1979, Queens of the Stone Age, Melvins, D.R.I., Cryptic Slaughter, S.O.D., Anthrax, Megadeth's first four albums, The Accused, Jane's Addicition prior to their bullshit post-reunion garbage, Soundgarden, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Mudhoney, The Screaming Trees, Faith No More, Wonderstuff, Ocean Blue, Dharma Bums, Dinosaur Jr., Afghan Whigs, Acid King, Liars, Interpol, Comsat Angels, Shellac, The Bled, Converge, From Autumn to Ashes, ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, Outkast, New Kingdom, Explosions in the Sky, Unsane, Unwound, Truly, Botch, Mastodon, Darkest Hour, Paul Oakenfold, Sasha, most progressive trance, electro, D&B, dub, Scratch Perry, Dry and Heavy, Augustus Pablo, Bill Laswell, Neurosis, Antarctica, Ova Looven, National Skyline, Six Finger Satellite, Mission of Burma, Nomeansno, Alabama Thunder Pussy, At the Drive-In, The Mars Volta, Bark Psychosis, Bauhaus, Big Business, Steel Pole Bathtub, The Gathering, Drive Like Jehu, RFTC, Everything in Flames, Motorhead, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Yes, Van Halen w/Diamond Dave, New Order, Joy Division, Frausdots, Bathory, Dimmu Borgir, Opeth, Sepultura w/Max...but fuck Soulfly they're terrible, Slayer, Nirvana, Loop, Truly, The Party of Helicopters, A Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra, Transpacific, Sonic Youth, The Fixx, A Flock of Seagulls, The Sound, Argonaut, The Hitch, Luke's Wall, Black Sabbath, Sleep, High on Fire, Kalas, Ulver, Mercyful Fate, Peace Orchestra, Kruder and Dorfmeister, Smith and Mighty, Rae and Christian, Goldie, Skylab, Head of David, Rush, Tool, Kinski, Black Heart Procession, Kings of Convenience, American Music Club, Elliot Smith, Iron and Wine, Band of Horses, Amorphis, Gravenhurst, Silversun Pickups, Ron Falconer, Fischerspooner, Jose Gonzalez and of course I humble myself at the altar of Pink Floyd... various others.


Apocalypse Now!, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Children of Men, Boogie Nights, Solaris (Tarkovsky), Waking Life, Love Liza, Hustle and Flow, Ghost World, Best In Show, Dead Man, Meeting People is Easy, Your Friends and Neighbors, Basketball Diaries, Munich, Everything is Illuminated, Spun, Requiem For a Dream, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Harry Potter, LOTR, Finding Nemo, Snatch, Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, Hellraiser 1 & 2, Saw, Princess Bride, Dark Crystal, Whale Rider, Tommy Boy, Dazed and Confused, Spinal Tap, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Brazil, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite, House of Yes, Cowboy Bebop, Man Bites Dog, Amelie, The Ring, Mulholland Drive, Logan's Run, The 40yo Virgin, Three Kings, Gummo, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Fantastic Planet, 21 grams, Happiness, Memento, Broken Flowers, The Constant Gardener, The Machinist, An Inconvenient Truth, many more... Fox Searchlight is kicking my ass lately. I gotta watch more of their movies, and I should probably give more Sundance movies a chance too. Those tend to be more to my liking. The big box office stuff is just a little too predictable. I like it when I have the feeling that I have absolultely no idea where a movie is going to go next. I'd like to see some of the new documentary stuff that's out, such as Why We Fight [update: Saw it. Awesome.] and Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room[update: also awesome...what balls!].
Special thanks to Todd Solondz for pissing on the ashes of this failed American experiment. There's a little Weiner Dog in all of us.


We move when they say
And beg for shit that we
Will never ever need
So keep the receipt
We've become the children
Of paralyzed ambition
A fraction less human
Dining in modern kitchens
Prepackaged warmth with
A touch of your personal flair
Arrested emotion
Wax poets with a cold stare
Don't you
Try to tell me
That your life
Feels empty
Alex Grey is the MAN. In a hundred thousand years I could never hope to do what he does. Nice work, bro. Makes me wish I still took psychedelics so I could properly appreciate it. Send psychedelic mushrooms to me. Thank you.

For photography I like Joel-Peter Witkin. (Bet you didn't see that one coming...) For design I like Buro Destruct.
I like Penn & Teller's Bullshit! TV series because it has lots of pointy attacks against things I already dislike. It's like if my blog was a TV show. Maybe I should put them under "heroes".


Cosmos by Carl Sagan, Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan, Alastair Reynolds brilliant Revelation Space/Chasm City/Redemption Ark series, Greg Bear's Eon/Legacy/Eternity series, Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, The Ushers by Edward Lee, Alan Moore's The Watchmen, Sin City and 300 and Hard Boiled by Frank Miller, Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent, Barry Glassner's The Culture of Fear, Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation, Our Band Could Be Your Life by Michael Azzerad. A Secret History and The Little Friend by Donna Tartt. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. The End of Faith by Sam Harris. I also enjoy reading certain websites, and I'll start a list of them here: - no, it's not misspelled
List of Creationist Arguments
American Atheists
Landover Baptist Church - who says atheists don't have a sense of humor?
The Onion - More Humor
There is no god but man.
Man has the right to live by his own law--to live in the way that he wills to do:
to work as he will: to play as he will:
to rest as he will: to die when and how he will.
Man has the right to eat what he will: to drink what he will:
to dwell where he will: to move as he will on the face of the earth.
Man has the right to think what he will: to speak what he will: to write what he will:
to draw, paint, carve, etch, mold, build as he will: to dress as he will.
Man has the right to love as he will.
Man has the right to kill those who thwart these rights.
-Aleister Crowley


I feel fortunate to have been introduced to this man's work at an early age. His explanations of the workings of the universe made sense to me, and gave me a sense of connectedness to the vastness of the cosmos which no religion could ever hope to match.
This guy:
"There's sometimes a buggy. How many drivers does a buggy have?"
Also: My wife, my family, my friends (even the believers *sigh*), and of course fellow skeptics.
Only sheep have need for a shepherd.
"All thinking men are atheists." -Ernest Hemingway
"Religion is all bunk." -Thomas Edison
"Religions are all alike - founded upon fables and mythologies." -Thomas Jefferson
"Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached a conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true....Suspicion against every kind of authority grew out of this attitude which has never left me." -Albert Einstein
"Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers." -Jesse Ventura

My Blog

Playing games with God

I read this article about Christian preachers using certain aspects of Scientology as a tool to inspire their congregations and I was once again reminded of an analogy that I may have mentioned in an ...
Posted by secularJihad on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 01:15:00 PST

Halloween music from Big Business

I was listening to Big Business today, like I do most days, and realized that my favorite song on the latest record is an excellent halloween song. It references monsters, witchcraft, ghosts, failed h...
Posted by secularJihad on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 10:49:00 PST

While browsing for weekend accomodations...

While I was surfing the web looking for cool places in the area to spend 48-60 hours at, I came across a site offering (among many other amenities) the following:-A hairdryer in every bath-BBQ grill f...
Posted by secularJihad on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 11:14:00 PST

Just a short one about Al Gores recent honor.

I would just like to take a second to give props to Al Gore and friends for winning the Nobel Peace Prize yesterday. I would also like to say "IN YOUR FACE" to all the haters who are now complaining t...
Posted by secularJihad on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 04:36:00 PST

The Zip-It is an amazing household product.

My wife (who encouraged me to post this) and I have a lot of hair. Hers is confined mostly to her head, which is nice. I am not so lucky, but that's a sad story for another time. Every so often the va...
Posted by secularJihad on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 04:05:00 PST

Cherries on Amazon

Mico de Noche's new album, "Cherries" is now available for pre-order on Amazon. There should be a link to it at the bottom of this post. I played bass on track 4, Mower. Nothing fancy. Like 2 notes. B...
Posted by secularJihad on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 06:19:00 PST

On the importance of having a father figure

A long time ago, when I was a little kid... my Dad, in the interest of passing along wisdom, sat me down and showed me how to clean a penny in Worcestershire sauce. This is back when pennies were copp...
Posted by secularJihad on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:38:00 PST

Cats are the best!

Cats are so awesome. They have this great, subtle sense of humor. Very dry. Like British humor, but more dry.For example. My cats wanted to play a practical joke on me, just to let me know that they'd...
Posted by secularJihad on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 08:14:00 PST

Fortune cookies and Spirituality

So I opened this fortune cookie tonight, and it said something like "You're mentality is clear, practical and analytical." "Awesome!" I thought to myself. How 'fortunate' I was to have received a cook...
Posted by secularJihad on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 02:58:00 PST

What every religious leader knows...revealed in new book.

There's a new book coming out about Mother Teresa, soon to be St. Teresa when she is canonized. (Canonization, unfortunately, is not the process of shooting the remains of a religious figure out of a ...
Posted by secularJihad on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:53:00 PST