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Bone Print Press

Publishing Words to Fatten Up Those Balls of Eye Slop!

About Me

Bone Print Press Dot Com

"We could all learn a lot from Sheehan...telling it as it is. And the poetry’s the same. You’re there! Call it the ART OF ARTFUL ARTLESSNESS." Hugh Fox/Chiron Review

“Sheehan is brilliantly hilarious…or he’s clinically insane.” Crystal Adkins/Book Reviews by Crystal

"Sheehan’s A Nobody’s Nothings is not for the weak and sensitive reader. If you want to read a book that is filled with sarcastic wit, lots of sex, and skillful unexpected twists and turns of content that may be disturbing, this book will capture your interest." Pam Rosenblatt/Ibbetson Update

Now available is the first book written by the turd, Denis Sheehan, who brought the world Askew Reviews fanzine. A collection of writings, A Nobody's Nothings is loaded with short stories, poems (not the type of poetry Father wrote to bed Mother), Brain Scribbles ramblings, and one comic. The words are fiction and nonfiction weaving stories of fucked up love, sex, self destruction, and everyday life of everyday slobs. From scraping the gutter of Skid Row to searing the edges of romantic mumbo jumbo, this book will pork all sorts of emotions.

The book is 160 pages/8.5x5.5/softcover. A Nobody's Nothings can be purchased for $10 by clicking the Paypal button. or by sending $10 to: Bone Print Press P.O. Box 684 Hanover, MA 02339

My Interests

over staying my welcome at the area hobo camp.

My Blog

Three Thursday Tales of Love...

  The Blossom: A friend of mine went on a blind date Wednesday night with a man who she says is very nice, but is also her ex-husband's doppelganger. She kissed him and there will be a second dat...
Posted by Bone Print Press on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 09:21:00 PST

Mayflower Pale Ale...

While enjoying a fine lunch yesterday, I was able to try Mayflower Brewery's Pale Ale and it was very good. Mayflower Brewery  is a fairly new craft microbrewery located in Plymouth, MA, which is...
Posted by Bone Print Press on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 06:36:00 PST

Submissions: Big Change and New Policy for Our Zine

SUBMISSIONS For Askew Reviews 14 (winter sometime- no deadline set, yet), I will consider written content from anyone. Before submitting, please look around our website to get a feel of what we cove...
Posted by Bone Print Press on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 01:19:00 PST

Zine Trade and DVD Review...

I recently traded zines with Christina-Marie Wright, the publisher/editor of Gonzo Parenting out of Chelan, WA and liked it so much I had to blurb off about it. The zine includes pieces and drawings c...
Posted by Bone Print Press on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 08:08:00 PST

From the Porch...

  The other day I sat on my front porch and read a book while listening to the punk channel on Sirius Satellite Radio (I've me one of those cool outdoor speakers that look like a rock-awesome). F...
Posted by Bone Print Press on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 12:51:00 PST

Rare Saturday post: A book review

Rare Saturday post: A book review. (link will direct you to our zine's website...and that zine is Askew Reviews....
Posted by Bone Print Press on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 08:00:00 PST

Almost Drunken Thoughts on Tonights Pub Visit...

Though this sentence is first, I wrote it last. I apologize for any mistakes and nonsensical crap as the pints hit hard while typing and I refuse to proof because, frankly, I can't. So, f off.Tonight,...
Posted by Bone Print Press on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 09:54:00 PST

The D of I, Two Important Questions, and The Sprained Ankles&

  Ladies and Gentlemen, The Declaration of Independence.  Two questions for this Fourth of July Weekend:  Are the speed of light and the speed of the shadow it casts equal?  Why is...
Posted by Bone Print Press on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 06:48:00 PST

Cigar Store Indian, DVD Review, and Kidz Bop Weekend...

  Many moons ago, while working construction, I was hanging sheetrock and plastering an addition built onto a house. After completing the upstairs, we moved downstairs to finish up a couple of wa...
Posted by Bone Print Press on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 01:16:00 PST

When a Drunk Cheers, Book Stuff, and Links...

On Tuesday night, I was belly up to a bar drinking a few and eating some food served by one hell of a cutie. I arrived at 7 and watched the Red Sox game until the channel was changed at 9. Of course, ...
Posted by Bone Print Press on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 01:49:00 PST