Waiting list candidates 96,905 as of today 10:16am
Transplants January - April 2007 9,217 as of 07/20/2007
Donors January - April 2007 4,663 as of 07/20/2007
Hi, my name is Julie. I set up this myspace site for people who are organ donors, recipients, donor families or anyone who has anything to do w/ organ donation. My husband passed away 4/23/06 and was able to donate his heart, liver and kidneys to save others lives. I have yet to meet my husbands recipients, but hope to do so someday. I started this webpage b/c after my husband passed away, I searched the web high and low and could not find any one place where organ donor family members could communicate. I was so desperate to find others who were like me and just ask how they were doing and how their experience went. My hopes are that other donor families, recipients, people waiting for an organ and organ donors can come together and get to know one another. We have a common interest and are grateful for the gift of life. Not only does it give someone a 2nd chance at life, but it helps the donor family heal and get through their grief knowing their loved one was a hero.
It's been over a year now since my husband passed away and I've become very involved with our TOSA organization. I'm not am ambassador for the program, and I do public speaking at Best Practice events. I attended the tree planting ceremony to honor donors last April..and we were honored as the 'Donor Family' in May 2007 and I got to share my story at our Quilt Square Ceremony in San Antonio, TX. What an honor that was to speak about Johnny and share our wonderful story. It truly has been an honor and a blessing to be apart of this wonderful organization. I look forward to many more events honoring donors and recipients.
You'll find on this webpage some of the TOSA activities, events and contact numbers. If you'd like to leave comments, or just share your story, please do so! We'd all love to hear them. Please add me as your friend and tell others about it. The more people who know how wonderful Organ Donation is...the more lives we can touch..and save!!!
My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at myspaceoryours.net!