The StorySometimes in life we learn lessons the hard way, such was true for me not too long ago when my father was in need of a transplant. I quickly learned the importance of organ donation as the statistics regarding it were very frightening. It was then that I decided I would take this tragic time and turn it into something positive. Fusing my two passions together, I used music and organ donation to organize several benefit concerts for organ donation awareness. At these events I had set up information tables with pamphlets, donor cards, bracelets and other information. I also read a speech about my own experiences and asked for support in my mission to raise awareness.The Take Heart events were held in American Legions, Masonic Halls, and other venues. The events were very successful and the atmosphere was very positive. My father received a transplant shortly after the first event proving our idea that one mind more knowledgeable, one gained donor, can save many lives.Last year I decided to reach farther and incorporate Take Heart as an official nonprofit corporation. I have many ideas and dreams for this organization such as organizing numerous concerts and seminars and creating merchandise in order to further awareness. This organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation where all of the proceeds go to furthering the organization and other 501(c)(3) corporations such as the New England Organ Bank and Donate Life.ARTICLE ON EVENT(2006):
icleid=602097&chkEm=1IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS:
[email protected] READ THISFor those of you who dont know me the deficit or organs and organ donors has a huge impact on my life, the lives of my family, and those around us.**Over 91,500 people are waiting for the gift of life; about 4,000 new patients are added to the transplant list each month. Due to the lack of organ donors 3,886 kidney patients, 1, 811 liver patients, 457 heart patients, and 483 lung patients died in 2004 while waiting for a transplant. That’s 6,537 total. 12,000 people who meet the criteria to donate die each year, less than half are registered organ donors.**These statistics are horrifying...When I was younger, I never thought that I would choose to give up something as precious as my organs. But because of recent tragedies, my outlook has changed completely. My Uncle told me that giving an organ is like giving a second chance, giving a life to another. He said it was the greatest gift in which one could give and by dying without giving one’s organs, one would be wasting gifts that could change the lives of so many. One donor alone could save up to fifty lives; with this in mind I decided that not only would I register as an organ donor, I would spread the word and raise awareness of organ donation.***For these reasons and many more i organize several an awareness events to spread the word, a battle of the bands of sorts, the event is called Take Heart: A Battle of Word and Sound. Stay tuned for the next event!!***TAKE HEART 2006
Please check back for updatesIf you are a band interested ask to join the group