Business Action
for Africa is a global alliance to end poverty once and for all.
Created in 2005 after the Commission
for Africa and 2005
G8 , we bring together the world's leading businesses, business organisations,
non-government organisations, aid agencies and universities.
Poor people in Africa believe that self-employment, starting a business, or getting a job offer the best chance, by far, for escaping poverty. African's don't want charity, they want opportunity.
That is why, alongside campaigning for the world's richest countries to meet their international aid commitments, we advocate for - and actively get involved in creating - the conditions that Africa and its small businesses need to thrive.
A fair international trading system, because trade is vastly more powerful that aid. Transparency and good governance so that money is used well. A good business climate so that small enterprises can grow. Investment in health and education so that poor people are able to benefit from the opportunities and jobs that thriving economies bring. Responsible business practices, because we recognize that the biggest impact that successful businesses can have is by operating responsibly. And shouting about Africa's successes - because it is a continent of diversity and opportunity.
If your business or organisation shares our passion for a prosperous Africa, then join us !