HERE IS THE DEAL: Once your picture is up and on the site I'll start to choose one girl to be posted in a blog where she can tell about herself everything from what her favorite cartoon is to what her hobbies are. If you have no clue what to write ask I'll give you some advice. I do this so people really know who they are looking at I can't stand sites where there is a picture of girl but no personality behind it. Don't worry your pictures don't have to be professional in anyway I understand its hard for me to get anyone to take a picture when your poor or no one is willing to help out so don't fret! Now every month I'll have a theme I have a bunch of themes in my head but willing to listen to new ideas any day. I'll screen through the pictures that go with the theme. What should be in a picture is creativity, your personality, quality of the picture (again doesn't have to be top notch), and usually full body but you can send half or face depending. I'll take at least 3 pictures for theme and put one up to be judged. One picture will win. Now for the winner of each theme will get their picture up as a the default, and will get to choose next months theme. If this site gets big enough and donations come through maybe prizes will be awarded but right now its for fun and to get your name out there you never know who is looking at this site.ABOUT THEMES: Themes range from pin up to fantasy or more. The theme for the month will be listed under the headline so go look. I do encourage girls to really get into the themes sometimes a theme will be simple like Horror which instead of some fake or real blood thrown on you really get into it. Get the background, clothes, props etc. going remember more creative more likely to win. I also ask that once you do the theme make a title for it makes it more fun and interesting and really gets your brain going. Sometimes I'll put a title to a theme to help out and you can go from there. I try very hard to get a theme going a month before but sometimes due to sickness or vacation or something a month will be lost in that case I'll let everyone know or have someone help me out. Like I said this doesn't have to be something you see in a magazine even simple pictures have something that pops about them. As for the winner if your choosing a theme be exciting your picture was choosen for a reason so don't disappoint me if you can't think of a theme I've got millions lol. I'll post every months theme to get you ready so what are you waiting for get to snapping :)
All the girls who aren't afraid to be themselves