CupcakeCuties profile picture


Theme is Summer Secrets

About Me

PLEASE READ BEFORE GOING FURTHER:Welcome to cupcake cuties a myspace site filled with fun and photos. This site is based on girls like myself who love the camera so much they can't help but keep snapping away till they get that good picture. But here is the twist it's a contest too. So read on and enjoy the site tell your friends, family, children, animals etc. and have them join the fun.RULES (how bold of me):This site is for pure fun and enjoyment of feeling beautiful no matter what color, shape or size everyone is pretty and should live life to the fullest. If you wish to join (which I highly encourage) please keep on reading:If you wish to apply simply send in at least 4 pics or more and I'll choose a few to put up. Every girl who signs up will get their picture on myspace cause we can't have a site with all my picture now can we? There are some rules about pictures even though I'm all for nude pics and find them to be artful, myspace of course doesn't allow it so if you got a nude one cover up any girl parts so we don't get banned. Please no fuzzy or blurry pictures I know sometimes we feel all fuzzy and blurry inside but we want people to see you not figure out what you look like. I do ask that your at least 18 or older only cause incase some pictures may offend people and I don't need some 14 year old parents writing to me bitching that your child's eyes have been tainted. Also include your model name and age so I can put under your picture we want people to know you. So start sending pictures now!Layout made by psh jessica.

My Interests

HERE IS THE DEAL: Once your picture is up and on the site I'll start to choose one girl to be posted in a blog where she can tell about herself everything from what her favorite cartoon is to what her hobbies are. If you have no clue what to write ask I'll give you some advice. I do this so people really know who they are looking at I can't stand sites where there is a picture of girl but no personality behind it. Don't worry your pictures don't have to be professional in anyway I understand its hard for me to get anyone to take a picture when your poor or no one is willing to help out so don't fret! Now every month I'll have a theme I have a bunch of themes in my head but willing to listen to new ideas any day. I'll screen through the pictures that go with the theme. What should be in a picture is creativity, your personality, quality of the picture (again doesn't have to be top notch), and usually full body but you can send half or face depending. I'll take at least 3 pictures for theme and put one up to be judged. One picture will win. Now for the winner of each theme will get their picture up as a the default, and will get to choose next months theme. If this site gets big enough and donations come through maybe prizes will be awarded but right now its for fun and to get your name out there you never know who is looking at this site.ABOUT THEMES: Themes range from pin up to fantasy or more. The theme for the month will be listed under the headline so go look. I do encourage girls to really get into the themes sometimes a theme will be simple like Horror which instead of some fake or real blood thrown on you really get into it. Get the background, clothes, props etc. going remember more creative more likely to win. I also ask that once you do the theme make a title for it makes it more fun and interesting and really gets your brain going. Sometimes I'll put a title to a theme to help out and you can go from there. I try very hard to get a theme going a month before but sometimes due to sickness or vacation or something a month will be lost in that case I'll let everyone know or have someone help me out. Like I said this doesn't have to be something you see in a magazine even simple pictures have something that pops about them. As for the winner if your choosing a theme be exciting your picture was choosen for a reason so don't disappoint me if you can't think of a theme I've got millions lol. I'll post every months theme to get you ready so what are you waiting for get to snapping :)


All the girls who aren't afraid to be themselves

My Blog

Summer Secrets Theme

This one is going to be alot of fun since the military theme didn't work out to well and everyone wrote to me saying it was to hard i've come up with a new theme. Summer Secrets:  now I got this ...
Posted by CupcakeCuties on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 06:56:00 PST

Get to know Cupcake Cutie Shay

Ok below is about Shay our sweet little chicky whose pictures are up so go look and comment and get to know her: my real name's actually sharon, but everyone knows me as shay. i'm nineteen && ...
Posted by CupcakeCuties on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 06:15:00 PST

Get to Know Cupcake Cutie Lustral

Check it out guys get to know our girly and check her pics out too. Im a 27 year old mother of 2 girls, ages 3 and 6 years. Im born and raised in florida. I enjoy photography,modeling,reading, music,...
Posted by CupcakeCuties on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 07:45:00 PST

Get to know Cupcake Cutie Holly

Check Holly out in the pictures and read below what she is about: Ok,so....My name is Holly.I'm 22 and I live in Florida.Most people assume I'm stuck-up since I rarely start a conversation. The way I ...
Posted by CupcakeCuties on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 02:36:00 PST


Again no one has entered the theme for July as put in the headline are you all just not loven me lately just kidding.  The theme is for starting this cupcake cuties so that means CUPCAKES think e...
Posted by CupcakeCuties on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:30:00 PST

Another theme for July

as you can tell on the headline another theme is being added so you can choose cupcakes or nature go choose one or both and have fun already
Posted by CupcakeCuties on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 12:03:00 PST

Get to know cupcake cutie Un-Lucky Charm

Go check out under the pics Un-Lucky Charm and read about her below: Hello everyone!! My name is Kara AKA *Un-Lucky Charm* I'm Irish and I have the worst luck ever, but that doesn't stop me from smili...
Posted by CupcakeCuties on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 09:14:00 PST

Get to know Cupcake Cutie KIM

You can find KIM in the picture section show some love and send comments or add her or just plain say HELLO...... Here is a little about KIM: hmm, well i like to model obviously. i like to dance, shop...
Posted by CupcakeCuties on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:28:00 PST

Questions asked

Some questions any others please email and I will answer: Q:  Can their be more then one winner?A:  Actually if for any chance me and last's month winner can't agree we will turn to everyone...
Posted by CupcakeCuties on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 11:04:00 PST