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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Pretty fun loving, pretty crazy, pretty smart, pretty stupid, pretty wishes, pretty bitches, pretty music, pretty faces and what majestic life in ALL places.
From New Jersey: Life has taken me all over! Some by choice, some by surprise, some not by choice, but o what a journey! Some by chance, some in a glance, and in some....shiiiiiiit I have even danced :D.
I miss some things like The Islamic Republic of Iran and Istanbul,Turkey ( lived in both countries)........I miss the athan ( call to prayer). Made it through man! I mean God allowed me to break on through! We made it man! I mean those who know what I say.....God is Great!
Found Islam around the age of 24 down in a place they say you will get your ass buried.... Asbury Park baby. Man the people lifted me from a broke down x captain, x-leader x-jock, high school failure and gave me an example of God's strength through rising up out of the shit azz hood! I began to believe in them cause what they went through I understood. Rose up an out of the nightmare of addiction 1995 and life then began for me. School, beach, meditation, prayer, peace, fishing, and did I say ......... All my friends from south jersey helped me realize my potential and helped my graduate college in 1998. I did not officially take my Shahada ( decleration of Islamic faith) until I was 31 under the spiritual guidnace of Ayatollah Allahmah Yahya Noori in Tehran, Iran and even after that commitment,I found it hard to let go of my old ways of living and lapsed till 11-17-05. Still this day I struggle a bit, but the struggle against self has been reduced greatly and at least not chemically!
May the peace mercy and blessings of God be upon us on earth and may we always know that we are the perfectly imperfect creation of the perfect creator designed to turn to him and only him for strength and guidance. I am by no means close to perfect and I still have many defective qualities to my character. I am not a typical Muslim in the sence that I am not quite, not so well mannered all the time..but total submission is my goal. To all the old, the new, and the future peps in my life........Lets do this thing and do it good!
Salam Alaikum
Amin Reza
In The name of God, The Entirely Merciful, The Especially Merciful

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My Interests

Golf, hiking, traveling all over the world, baseball, photography, writing, reading, comedy, poetry, reality, History, crazy people, calm people, the rich and the poor

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true. Martin Luther King Jr. US black civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 - 1968)

The Love of my life. My heart, my soul, my serenity, my gift from God. This is Jessica and she is my baby! We live together, we are healthy together, and we are never disrespectful of each other....ever. I thought that love was impossible till I met Jessica. Thanks to Maryam for telling me to choose her lol. Meet my Italian cutie pie...she is the most serene, sweet, and consistant woman I have ever known to date!

Shot at 2007-07-06

Shot at 2007-07-06

I'd like to meet:

Niyaz performing live. Old Persia and India collide to creat a beautiful sound

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Me in Azadi Squre, Tehran, Iran

Ferdowsi is considered as the greatest Persian poet, author of the Shahnameh ("The Epic of Kings")

This is a shot of Ferdowsi's Tomb


I saw this with my very eyes daily when I lived in Istanbul......You all who have not seen for yourself have no idea how breathtaking and vibrant this city is...


I lived one mile from this Mosque in Istanbul....
I have prayed in this Shrine betwix 15,000 people in the Farj pray...This is...Imam Reza's shrine in the Capital of Khorasan Province in northeast Iran- The Holiest city of Iran.
This is me walking down the main strip to Imam Reza's Shrine
Ancient Bam, or the Arg-i-Bam...God bless the souls that perished..This city was destroyed in the Province of Kerman and my mother-in-law went to the city as part of relief efforts in December 2003. This ancient city no longer exists, but at the time 2 AC-130 American Aircrafs were given permission by Iran for the first time since 1979, to aid in the relief effort. It was so bad that 26,271 people perished.
Insha Allah, I am able to breath long enough to make my Hajj and wash myself of the filth and sin that I have lived in
Surah 114In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Say: I seek refuge with the Lord ( and Cherisher ) of Mankind,
The God ( Allah ) or (Judge) of Mankind,-
From the mischief of the whisperer ( of Evil ), who withdrawls ( after his whisper ),-
(The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,-
Among Jinns ( Angels ) and among Men.
Everyday is Ashoora and Everyland is Kerbala
Irani aircraft from Iran/Iraq War @ Shah's Palace, Tehran
My PIT Nesta Just chillin in our home
Nesta Flies man! 85 pounds and nothin stops this Bitch
She is gonna kill me one day lol
Home is where the heart is......Tis my serenity and place of rest
Golf Practice
This shit was fun!


The Velveteen Rabbit, The Little Prince, Sid Arthur’s Herman Hess, The Holy Bible, The Noble Qu’ran, Prolegomena of Qu’ran, Mishkat Ul- Anwar- Lamp Niche for Best Traditions, Analytical Comprehension of Islam & other Religions, Turning Point, Healing and the Mind, Nahl Al- Balaghah- Imam Ali V 1&2, A Course in Miracles, Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, Battlefield of the Mind, Conversations with God, Greatest Miracle in the World, Return of the Rag picker, Zal and Rudaba, Zal and Suhrab, American Pit Bull & Stafford shire Terrier, Living Sober, Shi’ ism- Imamate & Wilayat, Sahih Al Bukhari- Traditions and sayings of Prophet Mohammad (saw), History of Israel’s War of Independence V 1&2, Came to Believe, Beyond Good and Evil- Nietzsche, When Smart People Fail, Marianne Williamson’s Illuminata- A book of prayer, AA, NA, EA, Struggle for Intimacy, Why you behave the way you hate, The Fabulous Land of Iran, As’-S’ah’ufateel Kaamilatus Sajjaadeeyah- Psalms of Islam, Masnavi I MaNavi- The Spiritual Couplets, Tuhaf Al- Oqoul- Masterpieces of the Intellects, The Road Less Traveled- Scott Peck…………………….As I still have on my shelf many others lost in moves from North Jersey to South Jersey to Europe, to Middle East.


God: Moses(as), Christ Jesus(as), Prophet Mohammad(saw), Mother, Father, Khalis, Angels that looked out for me, The person who is nameless who brought me out of overdose in Harlem in 1994, Veterans of War in all lands that had no choice but to display there loyalty with or without reason, Harvey Michelleman (attorney), Angelina Jolie, any and all peace mission people throughout the earth, Derrick Jetter, Mark Messier, and Imam Ali Abu Talib

My Blog

R.I.p Khalis Amin a.k.a Ernest Milton Hill

R.I.P. Ernie Hill*6-18-07* In the name of God, The entirely merciful, The especially MercifulThere is only one thing that is promised in life and that is death. Not one of us shall escape it, elude i...
Posted by Reza on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 05:51:00 PST

1. What do I see myself doing with the qualities I wish to attain? Step #6 IWH&W

I see myself moving forward with certainty that I can recover based on God consciousness and willingness to submit my will.  Through that, I cannot see much and or cannot summarize the totality o...
Posted by Reza on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:35:00 PST

1. Which of my attitudes have changed since Ive been in recovery? Step #7

My attitude that I cannot stay clean for any length of time, so why both trying has changed and now I believe that I can not only stay clean, but live clean and become healthy in body, mind, and spiri...
Posted by Reza on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:08:00 PST

Correcting inward and outward faults

In the name of Allah, The Entirely Merciful, The Especially Merciful     Correcting your inward and outward faults     Mankind succeeds in removing his natural, traditional, or...
Posted by Reza on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 02:47:00 PST

Og Mandino's Greatest Miracle in the world ( must read)

Memorandum from God To: You From: God Take counsel. I hear your cry. It passes through the darkness, filters through the clouds, mingles with starlight, and finds its way to my he...
Posted by Reza on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 12:21:00 PST

The Masnavi Rumi

Sleep of the body the soul's awaking     Every night Thou freest out spirits from the body. And its snare, making them pure as raised tablet. Every night spirits are released from this cage,...
Posted by Reza on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 01:05:00 PST

Embryological stages told 1485 years ago. ( see examples)

  From: The Journal of the Islamic Medical Association, Vol.18, Jan-June 1986, pp.15-16 --> -->-A Scientist's Interpretation of References to Embryology in the Qur'an --> --> Keith L. Moore, P...
Posted by Reza on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 03:12:00 PST

99 names, but God is one

ALLÂH Allâh (1:1)(3:18)(5:109)(6:124)(7:180)(8:40)(16:91)(20:8)(57:5)(65 :3)(74:56)(85:20) AR-RAHMÂN The Most Compassionate, The BeneficentThe Gracious (1:3)(17:110)(19:58)(21:112)(27:30)(36:52)(50...
Posted by Reza on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:52:00 PST

Islam And Muslim:

Islam is an Arabic Word which means peace, purity, acceptance and commitment. The religion of Islam is the complete acceptance of the teachings and guidance of God ( Allah being his proper name ). i.e...
Posted by Reza on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 07:33:00 PST

Prayer of the Dawn

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Say:  I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn, From the mischief of created things, From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads, From the misc...
Posted by Reza on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 07:23:00 PST