Cunt Drunkula profile picture

Cunt Drunkula

Where are my bitches!

About Me

The Ultimate All About You Survey:
About Me
Full Name: ...
Nickname: Cat
Best Known As: Cat
Other Names: Pussy, Kitten, Kit-Cat, Kitty, Meow Meow...
Birth date: 10-11-84
Birthplace: Dallas, Tx (7th circle of hell at Parkland..i mean 7th floor)
Zodiac Sign: libra on scorpio cusp
Age: 22
Sex: yes please
Current Location Orlando. on your mom.
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Sexual Orientation: bisexual. i like dem titties.
Marital Status: in a relationship. with some added benefits.
Religion: non denominational
Language: english and drunken slurr
Heritage: native american
Ethnicity: native american aka another white person
Hair Color: cherry cola
Eye Color: green/brown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 ish
(For The Guys) Facial Hair or No Facial Hair
(For The Girls) Make Up or No Make Up yes
Piercings: 8
Tattoo: 3
Shoe Size: 7.5
Body Type: average? i'm told im skinny...but i think its just they are fat.
Best Physical Feature: chest
Most Overused Phrase: dude...
Clothing Style: whatever. i'm not the screensave type
Swagger: special move in pokemon that sharply increases your opponets attack at the same time confusing them.
Top 6 Words To Describe Yourself Best: mercurial, guileful, nihilistic, laid-back, nymphomaniac
Favorite Number: 11
Favorite Letter: m
Favorite Word: fizzy
Favorite Catch Phrase: dont really have one
Favorite Quote: "I strove with none for none was worth the Strife..."
Favorite Day: Sunday as long as i am not working
Favorite Month: October
Favorite Year: New Year
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Favorite Color: black, uv, purple
All Time Favorite Video Console: sega genesis
Current Favorite Video Console: ps2, wii, and DS
All Time Favorite Video Game: Rise of the Dragon and the Urbz
Current Favorite Video Game: pokemon diamnond
All Time Favorite Video Game Series: Final Fantasy, Sims
Current Favorite Video Game Series: Final Fantasy, Sims
Favorite Electronics: cd player, laptop
All Time Favorite Entertainer: Gwen Stefani
Current Favorite Entertainer: Marilyn Manson
All Time Favorite Music Artist /Band: Bush
Current Favorite Music Artist /Band: MIA
Favorite Song: Glycerine
Favorite Music Video: Junior Senior-Move Your Feet
Favorite Album: Hybrid Theory
Favorite Food: italian
Favorite Drink: alcoholic
Favorite Dessert: anything chocolate!
Favorite Candy: M&M's
Favorite Snack: goldfishes!
Favorite Fruit: cherry and strawberry
Favorite Veggie: cucumber
Favorite Country: Europe!
Favorite State: Id love to visit New York or California
Favorite City: i dont have a good answer for that yet
Favorite Store or Stores: i just like the mall in general
Favorite Clothing Store: like i said....
Favorite Clothing Brand: Baby Phat, L.A.M.B, Harajuku Lovers
Favorite Shoe Brand: Steve Madden, Adio
Favorite Jewelry Brand: i dont care for it really
Favorite Make Up Brand: Milani and MAC
Favorite Automobile: Imprezza wrx
Favorite Book or Magazine: Playboy, Hustler
Favorite Fragrance: axe, curve, candies
Favorite Childhood Toy: Puggles!
Favorite Cartoon: Family Guy!
Favorite Animal: cats and ferrets
Favorite Pro Basketball Team: Chicago still
Favorite Pro Football Team: New York still
Favorite Pro Baseball Team: New York Yankees, still
Favorite Thing To Do As A Child: pretend to be a ninja
Favorite Thing To Do As A Teen: dye my hair
Favorite Thing To Do Now: get drunk
Favorite Restaurant or Fast Food: i love Olive Garden
Favorite Screen name BrightEyedPanic
Favorite Messenger: aim
Favorite Celebrity: Jenna Jameson
Favorite Part Of The Opposite Sex: hair..eyes
Favorite Pizza: cheese everywhere
Favorite Vacation Spot: away from state of current residence
Favorite Web Site:
This or That
Sexy or Cute: cute
Kiss or Hug: kiss
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
Summer or Winter: autumn
Pizza Hut or Domino's: meh
R&B or POP: another meh
Good Boy/Girl or Bad Boy/Girl: a balance of both
Brains or Brawn: brains
Naughty or Nice: a balance of both
McDonald's or Burger King: fuck you burger king!
Dog or Cat: Cat.
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Looks or Personality: a good balance of both
Who is your....
Momma: ...
Daddy: jesus
Best Friend: Desiree, Jennifer, Amy, Q, Matt all people i cannot live without
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Matt. punk chicken.
Homies: pretty much anyone i have daily contact with
Dog: i want a puppy!
How Many Sisters Do You Have? 0
How Many Brothers Do You Have? 1
What is your Boyfriend/Girlfriends Name? kinda already asked that
Have You Ever?
Have You Kiss The Opposite Sex?: yep.didnt get cooties either!
Have You Hugged The Opposite Sex?: yeah. i got cooties that time.
Are You A Virgin?: nope. i got my cootie shot!
Have You Been In Love?: yeah.
Have You Been Called A Tease?: maybe...
Have You Ever Cheated?: not my cup of joe
Have You Ever Shoplifted?: a long time ago.
Have You Ever Beaten Someone Up?: a long time ago.
Have You Ever Got Beaten Up?: oh yeah.
Have You Ever Been Skinny Dipping?: i love skinny dipping!
Have You Ever Did Drugs?: mmm hmm. waited till i graduated atleast.
Have You Ever Drank Alcohol?: also waited till i graduated.
Have You Ever Been Drunk?: hahahaha. does the sun come up every day?
Have You Ever Had A Threesome Or More?: every now and then
Have You Ever Had Sex In Public?: a long time ago
Are You A Dare Devil?
Do You Love Roller Coasters?: they're okay
Would You Go Snow Boarding?: maybe
Would You Eat Any Insect If You Bet You?: why would i bet myself that?
Would You Go In Public Completely Naked If You Bet You?: again? am i high?
Would You Go Surfing?: yeah!
Would You Go Rock Climbing?: maybe....maybe not
Would You Go Scuba Diving?: yes!
Would You Have Sex In Public?: yes!
Would You Go Water Skiing?: yes!
Would I Ever Go Bungee Jumping?: i dunno about that one
Would I Ever Jump Out Of A Plane?: how would i know, sill survey?
What Would You Do If....
Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend Left You For Your Best Friend: fuck them both up
You Won 1 Million Dollars Or More: share the wealth
The World Was Going To End Now: get wasted with my LBV friends
Last Person....
That Called You: private
You Talked To: the guys at work
You Cried To: myself
You Laugh With: Stephen, Tony, Matt, John
You Laughed At: probably Jamie Lynn or Lillie
You Kissed: matt
You Hugged: matt
Your Friends
Who Is Your Bestest Friend?: Desiree, Jennifer, Amy,Q, Matt ....again
Who Is Your Funniest Friend?: Q is quick.
Who Do You Consider A True Friend: Desiree and Jennifer. They never judge.
Favorite Hair Color: dark
Favorite Eye Color: light
Height: taller than me!
Weight: not fat
Long Hair or Short Hair: depends...
Clothing Style: trendy not impressionable
Swagger: "cat hurt herself in her confusion"
Do You?
Do You Think Your Attractive: i can be
Do Believe In Yourself: nah
Do You Get Along With Your Parents: kinda
Do You Want To Go To College: oh gawsh yes!
How Do You Want To Die: quick and painless
Do You Want To Get Married: eventually
Do You Want To Have Kids maybe
What Is Your Goal This Year: to go bowling and swim at the beach
What Do You Want Your Carree To Be: is that a pokemon?
Do You Regret Anything: alot of things.
Are You A Heath Freak: cookies for breakfast!
Do You Shower Daily: yessir
Do You Hate Anyone: my first ex boyfriend. he fucked it up for everyone else.
Your Hero & Idol: Hugh Hefner?
How Do You Want To Be Remembered: lovingly?
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

My Interests

music, dancing, bar-hopping, billiards, skateboarding, rollerskating, pole-dancing, speaking of pole dancing; sex, the occasional threesome, the occasional groupsome, swimming at night, the beach at night, stealing cherries from my friends cocktails, typos, drinking recreational and otherwise, meeting new friends, fire. just cuz, anything cute and cuddly, rain storms, punk chickens, cooking and baking, and your mom.

I'd like to meet:

i want to meet people that like to party, but not people who only think they party. I mean people that REALLY like to party. I want to meet hot girls and keep them around as friends , but i also want to meet some cuties that might wanna play. (Keep in mind i've got a guy...he's hot, we play, i won't leave him out) I dont mind meeting guys... but please note, you will not have a chance. I like girls, But knowing hot guys never hurt, because i have hot friends.

Music: be continued!


Party Monster, Requiem for a Dream, Mirror Mask, Magnolia, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Nightmare Before Christmas, Spun, The Crow, A Dirty Shame, XX/XY, May, anything Kevin Smith...except for Vulgar, anything Tim Burton, SLC Punks, The Anarchist Cookbook, Wild Things, Escaflowne, documentaries based on serial killers, the first Matrix, all the Star Wars, Trainspotting, Moulin Rouge, The Pillow Book, all the Scary Movies, etc...i like fucked up movies, comedies, and foreign movies,


Family Guy, Greg The Bunny, Happy Tree Friends, Drawn of lately...wrestling(WWE,Raw,etc, but i am bigger fan of UFC), Robot Chicken, America's Next Top Model, cooking shows, Best Week Ever, The Daily Show, Stephen Colbert's News Report, old school comedians on HBO, smut shows about celebrities, project runway


Practical Demon Keeping, Good Omens, A Clockwork Orange, The Divine Comedy, Candide, alot of Shakespeare; notibly A Midsummer's Night Dream, and a few more. I should start reading again.


Jenna Jameson. The flying spaghetti monster. Hugh Hefner.

My Blog

rant jacked from a friend...every way relevant to me

note: this chick sarah and i went to the same highschool and lived in the same area for a bit. the school was so bad i moved to another city so i could take real AP courses and classes like Biology II...
Posted by x(e)n on Sat, 26 May 2007 02:21:00 PST

all the cool kids are doing it

i gave in. 1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. Do you have a crush on me?5. Would you kiss me?6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.7. Describe me in one word...
Posted by x(e)n on Wed, 09 May 2007 12:02:00 PST

"Eat a peach and read a blog"

The RulesYou comment or reply this blog and...1. I'll respond with something random about you.2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.3. I'll pick a flavor of jell-o to wrestle with you in....
Posted by x(e)n on Wed, 02 May 2007 09:35:00 PST

fairly accurate. its dead on with alot of my quirks. make sure to view full report.

My Personality Neuroticism71Extraversion48Openness To Experience81Agreeableness31Conscientiousness21 You are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time a...
Posted by x(e)n on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 10:49:00 PST

do i know what i've done wrong but what about everything i've done right?

seriously.  how about the fact that several was about you and not about me. Or even that it was never about me?  I stepped on eggshells with almost everything i said. I had t...
Posted by x(e)n on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 04:51:00 PST

i'm glad you're happy...guess I'll be alright

I get a little let down from time to time by people I really and truly would die for if i had to so they could be happy. But I guess I'll be alright..i long as they are happy, why should i b...
Posted by x(e)n on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 09:18:00 PST

How well do you know me

Create your own friendquiz here...
Posted by x(e)n on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 07:25:00 PST


why is it soooo fucking hard to understand "I am comfortable only being friends?" Guys get so pissed off if you don't want to jump their bones and these guys getting mad are usually good looking guy...
Posted by x(e)n on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 01:30:00 PST

this is love

Andy Falco and me ♥
Posted by x(e)n on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 05:39:00 PST


this is what i have so you kinda have an idea what kind of songs i'm looking for... upbeat, fun, getting drunk to know...Suggestions are very welcome. ...
Posted by x(e)n on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:19:00 PST