Orianna profile picture


I make art... instead of kill people

About Me

Ex-clown-for-hire and aspiring evil dictator Orianna Kurrus currently lives at an egalitarian ecovillage (commune) called Twin Oaks, with 100 filthy hippies... Apart from plotting world domination, she also makes and sells purty artwork, which you can see on her website:

For a more personal look, please visit:
livejournal and www.OriannaStudios.com

Runway Video from 2006:

I get way too many myspace messages every day, so if you send me a message I probably won't even see it for a week, and probably won't respond to most chit-chat type stuff (until I start training my evil cyborg monkey-robots to answer my email for me), but I try to get back to everyone, especially if you ask a question. Also, I've disabled the comments on my page because I was getting billions of spams a day! You can still comment on my pics though. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

My Interests

art, world domination, naming inanimate objects and talking to them, sewing, dancing in the rain, jasmine tea, broken clocks, creepy children, fashion design for those with the brain diseases, wearing hideous unflattering clothes that clash, gypsies, jews, mad tea parties, combat boots and pretty pink dresses, constantly making art, bright yellow umbrellas, swimming at night, vegetarians, garlic, zombies, art therapy, forensic science

I'd like to meet:

people who have tea with decapitated teddybears and wear traumatizing costumes to go grocery shopping, sideshow circus types, people who want to give me money for my art, boys with pigtails, contortionists, belly dancers, artists/models/film-makers/DJs, and weirdos of all kinds

If you want to contact me about art / business, please send me an email: [email protected]

My website:

Add my banner! (copy the text below and paste to your site):


the boy least likely to, jason webley, off white noise, frank zappa, matisyahu, klaus nomi, pimentos for gus, cruxshadows, dresden dolls, cat stevens, math the band, voltaire, daft punk, tilly and the wall, decemberists, atom and his package, bjork + the sugarcubes, ani difranco, david bowie, they might be giants, bela fleck and the flecktones, snap her, happy family, neutral milk hotel, the unicorns, punk bunny, etc


-tank girl
"I get this ache, and I thought it was for sex- but its to tear everything to fucking pieces"
-hedwig and the angry inch
-city of lost children
-annie hall
(and pretty much everything else with woody allen)
-Napoleon Dynamite
-unico and the isle of magic
-fight club
-really bad foreign musicals
-the fearless vampire killers!
-death to smoochy
-but i'm a cheerleader
-cecil b demented
-killer klowns from outer space
-also: Troma films such as 'cannibal the musical', 'killer condom', and 'redneck zombies'


tv is for suckers.... but i have been known to watch such quality shows as: family guy, iron chef, adult swim, gumby, fraggle rock, rainbow bright, FLCL, absolutely fabulous, invader zim, forensic science shows, house, starved, and of course the original batman (ADAM WEST!)
and don't forget about wonderful public access shows like HAPPY DOG!! tampa, fl represent!


current favorite authors: Jonathan Safran Foer, Susan Sontag, Henrik Ibsen, Bret Easton Ellis, Hunter S. Thompson, and Sandra Cisneros.
I also enjoy almost everything by Dahl, CS Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters" and "Till We Have Faces", and random other books such as: the house on mango street, the yellow wallpaper, alice in wonderland, jewish feminism books, vegan cookbooks.... o yes, and i also enjoy SQUEE comics and Johnny the Homicidal Maniac


Dr. Seuss
and John Waters

My Blog

i moved to a hippie commune!!!!!!!

what? fashion legend ORIANNA has moved to a hippie commune in rural middle-o-nowhere virginia? that's right! now ya'll can find me skinny dippin' down by the pond! YEE HAW .... oh, here's where i...
Posted by Orianna on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 03:36:00 PST


I'm currently backpacking across the US for a few months, staying in free places with Orthodox Jews, friends, and hippie communes, and I'll be selling my artwork along the way like some sort of art-gy...
Posted by Orianna on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 07:58:00 PST

LAST Fashion Show in Florida!!!!!!!!!

This might be my LAST fashion show in Florida! (because I'm moving earlier than planned). Please come see the show Jan. 26th-- it should be AWESOME! This event is for charity (Boys and Girls Clubs of ...
Posted by Orianna on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 11:19:00 PST