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I am here for Networking

About Me

WATCH THIS AND THEN THINK OF THE POWERS OF AN OMNIPOTENT GOD. SUCH A GOD IS ALL-POWERFUL AND SHOULD BE ABLE TO USE AS MANY DIMENSIONS AS HE WISHES.I'm retired from American Airlines and now science teacher and football and track coach at Wills Point Junior High School in Wills Point, Texas. (Check out I am also author of the book: 'IS GOD REAL OR IS IT JUST ME?' found at www.Barns& (and other book resources) My intellectual interests are science, history, philosophy and religion. I'm happily MARRIED to a beautiful lady named Debbie. We have two boys - Jeff and Jerry, a daughter - Michelle and three grandchildren - Kasie, Lacy and Grace. Jeff, Jerry and myself are all EAGLE SCOUTS (something I am very proud of). I'm a member of First United Methodist Church in Terrell, Texas (yea!) I went to Bryan Adams High School (Dallas, Texas), have a BA from Southeastern Oklahoma State University (Durant, OK) and a MLA from Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX). I also served in the Army Reserves for about 10 years first as enlisted and later as an officer - Combat Engineer.

My Interests

Virtually everyting. Most importantly, I am a CHRISTIAN in the classical tradition of the faith. JESUS CHRIST died for my sins (which,unfortunately, are many). In addition, I have interests in politics, music, art, literature, science, philosophy and FOOTBALL! Of course, I've heard of other sports, but they don't compare with FOOTBALL! Like everyone else coaches look for role models. Here is one of mine....Now it is time for track. Here's a pretty cool YouTube on the SHOT PUT. 10 OF THE BEST... NOW DISCUS BESTS MORE DISCUS GREAT THROWING FORM...

I'd like to meet:

Old friends, people interested in real estate, philosophy/religion, science, history, The Arts, Texas, football, baseball, track and field, swimming, stained glass and fun! Oaky, how about some REAL NAMES.......Jesus Christ has to be at the top of the list. Saint Luke and Saint Paul are my next choices. Who else? Dick Butkus (I’ve met him, but I would like to spend an afternoon with him). Jim Brown, Eric Dickerson, Craig James, Jim Thorpe, Rayfield Wright (I met but would like to visit), Tom Landry (Okay, I met him too, but I would have liked to have spent some one-on-one time with him), Vince Lombardi, Hayden Fry (met but would like to visit), Randy White, Michael Jordan, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, George Patton, Plato, Aristotle, Francis Schaeffer, C. S. Lewis, Hugh Ross, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, R. C. Sproul, Chuck Smith, William Lane Craig, Shakespeare, Maria Callas, Pink Floyd’s guys, the Doors’ guys. I can think of plenty of others..... Brett Favre is certainly one. Here is something honoring his play in the NFL. I was hoping to see Monte Montgomery this December, but I will have to see him some other time... .............IS THIS THE YEAR???


About everything except rap. All time favorite groups: Buddy Holly and the Crickets, Beach Boys, Doors, Pink Floyd, Animals, Jeff Beck, The Who, The Fleetwoods, Shirelles and Ronnie & the Ronnettes. Also great guitar - Chuck Berry, The Ventures, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, The Allman Brothers, Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, B. B. King (need I go on - I love guitar) Love Country Swing - Bob Wills or Asleep At The Wheel. Favorite Country music - The Cowboy Junkies. Christian Music favorite - The Blackthorn Project, Jars of Clay (How can you not like them) also Chris Falson and Hosanna Music. Favorite Musical - Take Me Along. Also, Oklahoma, Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, South Pacific (Need I go on?) My favorite opra is Carmen. My favorite Carmen - Maria Callas. My favorite Classical - Beethoven and marches from John Philip Sousa. Classical artist - Mira Wang GREATEST WORK OF ART EVER - Handel's MESSIAH! ....If you want to hear country music the way it should sound - pick A Sleep At The Wheel.... IF YOU LIKE GUITAR YOU HAVE TO HEAR - MONTE MONTGOMERY FROM AUSTIN, TEXAS play Little Wing. If you wish to hear more - after Little Wing, other Monte Montgomery selections should be available and located at the bottom of this YouTube frame. The Doors was my favorite group when I was in college. Morrison was a deep thinker and that was reflected in his music. Here's my favorite piano composition. Beethoven, imagine that! Moonlight Sonata A favorite love song: 'Like a Lover' SERGIO MENDES and BRASIL 66.


I thought this was kinda interesting. Jim Morrison was a bit of a philosopher as well as a singer. It has been said that Harison Ford worked for the Doors and is in the clip at 25 sec. mark. I don't know - I can't tell. How To Murder Your Wife..... What About Bob?, Rudy, The Rookie, From Russia With Love, North by Northwest, Harvey, Charade, Dr. Strangelove..... Favorite actors Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, John Wayne, Peter Sellers, Mel Gibson (for one movie). Maureen O'Hara - best actress EVER by far!


Everybody Loves Raymond, Frasier, History Channels, Military Channel, Ole Westerns from Roy Rogers to John Wayne. (Why can't we find Hopalong Casady anymore?) I also liked 8 Simple Rules (for dating my daughter) and Third Rock From the Sun.


Is God Real Or Is It Just Me? (my book)


Debbie, Jeff, Jerry, Michelle, my dad and mom. Em and Doug, Uncle Jack and Uncle Judge. James and Gay, John, Mike and Kathy, Bob and Steph, Tim, Lacye, Sue, David M., Joe Ed G., the list goes on and on.

My Blog

Is God Real?

I have been a participant in the great philosophical argument, i.e., Is God Real?  Some of my science buddies are going to be upset that I am even discussing this issue.  However, they need ...
Posted by Jowell on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 02:47:00 PST


I have had a couple of bulletins from friends concerning Maxine Waters.   For those who haven't heard, Maxine remarked that she wants to socialize our oil industry.  She and, I'm sure, ...
Posted by Jowell on Wed, 28 May 2008 04:14:00 PST


My last blog took the Bush administration to task for begging the Middle Eastern oil barons for oil.  My suggestion is let us DRILL FOR OIL!  It's a unique idea, but let us think about it fo...
Posted by Jowell on Tue, 20 May 2008 02:29:00 PST


This week we witnessed our president George Bush begging Saudi Arabia to increase the flow of oil.  How disgusting!  A president of the United States begging a foreign leader to increas...
Posted by Jowell on Mon, 19 May 2008 11:15:00 PST


Normally, I am optimistic about our future.  Normally, I think our country can rise above our problems.  Yes, we Americans can and do join together as a family and resolve those confrontatio...
Posted by Jowell on Fri, 16 May 2008 11:39:00 PST


It is looking more and more like global warming is the product an imaginative group of scientists.   On the news last night a report indicated that this past April was one of the cooler Apri...
Posted by Jowell on Sat, 10 May 2008 01:39:00 PST


Today came the expected news...the Dallas Mavs fired coach Avery Johnson.  Unfortunately, the problem with the Mavs was not Avery Johnson.  He was but the fall guy.  The problem is the ...
Posted by Jowell on Thu, 01 May 2008 02:01:00 PST


             I am a Martin Luther King supporter.  He had the correct view of the great American society.  Moreover, he threw the goblet...
Posted by Jowell on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 12:55:00 PST


My major fear over the coming American presidential election is World Peace.  I am concerned that no matter who is elected we will find ourselves in a major conflict.  Evidentially Israel is...
Posted by Jowell on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:21:00 PST


  There are many parallels between the time of Lincoln and the time of Bush.  Their thoughts had to be similar in many ways.     My favorite Lincoln speech was not Gettysburg.&nbs...
Posted by Jowell on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:57:00 PST