History, archeology, bio archeology, tree houses, gardens, travel, camping, hiking, , ethnic dinning, the world.I have, it seems, the innate ability to cause pedantric jaws to drop and eyes to explode with an icy questioning glare, and then they listen, while searching for words to reply to my questions of their basic scientific beliefs. My questions are simple, why has the world of academia has been cloistered behind veils of archaic hypothesis. If, as some scholars assert, it is a distinct possibility that the new world monkeys accidentally rafted to the North American continent in the late Eocene or Oligocene, 23 to 34 million years ago, then why not, at a later time, homo sapiens or their precursors. "Another puzzle is the primate inhabitants of present day Central and South America, the platyrrhine." "Two schools of though trace their arrival sometime in the late Eocene or Oligocene to accidental rafting and island hopping either from North America or more likely Africa" (The book of Life, Gould.) Stephen Jay, p223, 2001)Why do many scholars assert and insist that the only way man arrived on this continent was by walking thousands of miles over a land bridge across the Bering Straight. During the Eocene and Oligocene Europe and North America were connected by a land route through Iceland and Greenland. "There is no argument about the primate identity of the waves of "omomyid" adapiform euprimates that flowed across Europe and North America" (Gould. Stephen Jay, P222, 2001). There is an accepted principal of primate migration to the New world as far back as 34 million years. At least 9 hominid species have existed over the last 4 million years "(Gould. Stephen Jay, P222, 2001). years. Numerous species seemingly less able than Homo Sapiens arrived in the New World before and or between glaciations, and they obviously flourished. There are extant species of flora and fauna in North America that have a common lineage dating back to the split of Pangea. The geological history of the world portrays numerous time spans of lower seas and abundant landforms between continents, with available substance and warm seas. In that, I see numerous valid hypotheses of New World Darwinian processes of cultural and biological evolution worthy of a lifetime of research. North American archaeology and history has only recently been set free to pursue the path of truth. Through phylogenitics and open minds, the mysteries of the first people of North America will be told.Present genetic theories, Monogenesis theory and or Multiregional theory, assert that Homo Sapiens have existed and began migrations minimally 300,000 thousand years ago. Why would researchers assume that Homo Sapiens arrived in the New World only 12,000 years ago, given the accepted evidence of much earlier migrations of primates to the continents. Perhaps no one has presented undisputed evidence of early hominid fossil remains. However, it seems that even renowned and experience anthropologist such as Louis Leaky, were academically demolished for suggesting an early North American human habitation site. Quite simply put, I wish to research the possibilities of an earlier habitation of the Americas. We now know that agriculture was represented in South America 10,000 Years Ago. "Fresh evidence in the form of Peruvian squash seeds, indicates that farming in the New and Old worlds was nearly concurrent. (The Year in Science, Discover, #93, P 66) Is it possible that the New World was as culturally advanced ass the old world? Alternatively, could the New World really be the Old World. Theoretically speaking anything is possible.The advancement of scientific techniques in the field of Physical and evolutionary anthropology coupled with linguistic, cultural and anthropological evidence, has allowed for a decryption of the human prehistory which is unparallel in accuracy. As if beneath a high-powered microscope, human cultures can now be viewed and their pre historic migrations recorded with a language of certainty never before afforded. With the recent lifting of the “Clovis Barrier†archaeology in the New World may now freely address the question of earlier settlement of the Americas. My research interests are in statistical phylogenitics and the analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in extant and prehistoric populations to address questions on Native American prehistory, demographics, linguistic, ancient morphology, and diet. I am, as an archaeologist, always seeking to answer questions on the parallels between the genetic possibilities of ancient sites, and rewriting historical migration and demographic accounts through genetic data. My interest in life is to contribute to rewriting the prehistory of the New World, which paralleles and or exceeds the cultural developments of every other continent.
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