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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I'm Claire and I live in good old Carbondale, Iliinois. Its pretty darn lame around here. So I get in what mischeif I can to keep myself amused. Adieu!

My Interests

I love hanging out with my friends. My new place is kinda cramped, but my roommate is the best- so it makes up for it. Right now grad school is bringing me down, so I don't get to do as much fun stuff as i used to.


Bright Eyes, Huntingtons, Modest Mouse, Guided by Voices, Cap n Jazz, Rainer Maria, Planes Mistaken for Stars, Deathcab for Cutie, Billy Idol (hes still hot), The Sea and Cake, Cake, Frank Sinatra, Ramones, and other stuff I cant think of right now.


Rana got me hooked on Duel to the Death, I loved the Secretary, but my favorite will always be From Dusk Till Dawn. That movie is friggin hilarious.


I dont really watch tv these days. Lets face it, im all realitied out.


Kim Cattrall, I could have cried like a baby after her performance as Emmy!

My Blog

funny e-mails

Wow!  There is nothing that I love more than a funny e-mail.  Occasionally some random myspacer will drop me a mail, that gets me laughing till my eyes tear up!  Granted I get some sle...
Posted by Claire on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

underwear is friggin rediculous

Womens underwear is fucking expensive. Relatively few people ever see it but yourself and yet a damn triangle of fabric costs seven bucks. To get a damn bra that lifts and looks good we are talking ...
Posted by Claire on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST