The Bourbon Knights profile picture

The Bourbon Knights

Assulting southern Illinois music halls since 2000

About Me

Southern Illinois Premier Pirate Swing Ensemble. Breaking things and people with ridiculous regularity since 2000, AD.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 9/21/2004
Band Website: temporarily out of commish
Band Members: Lots and lots of people.
Influences: Being the stewards of dates, locations, and facts that no one else really cares about, Salvador Dali, The Clancy Brothers, The Watersons, Johnny Cash, God Damned Pirates!, AC/DC, Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, The Pogues, R & B, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Tom Waits, Steve Earle, Roger McGuinn, Pete Seeger, Songs of the Sea, Italian Fascists, Spanish Fascists, American Fascists, International Communisim, astronauts, and space robots!, just about any flavor of KRAMPUS, the golden age of German submariening, the Age of Sail; the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Evil Empire; people who hate crappy music that sucks, splinter-cell softball teams and pool leauges, drywall crews, and building entire stage sets from collections of nothing too terribly important; pimps, wimps, cowboys, gypsies, coalminers, moonshiners, hillbillies, gangsters (gangster hillbillies, in reality, are best), Old Timey music and vagabonds and vagrants. Bulldogs, Chihuahuas, Pyreneese, and canary birds. Geese. Goats, and delicious pies. Ice cold beer, piping hot coffee, and well-brewed tea. Pusser's Rum. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. All that and a decent BBQ doesn't hurt, either. MAL VIENTO!
Sounds Like: Something you'll probably get drunk listening to.
Record Label: jammamagrams
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Sean Born 1974-2008

In the passing of our Brother Sean from the cares and troubles of this world has removed another link from the chain by which we are all united as a community of people and a family of friends. Let us...
Posted by The Bourbon Knights on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 04:31:00 PST

What the hell is a Krampus, anyway?

For those too lazy to go over to Wikipedia and look for it, here's a brief description, with more at: the subject of winter poems and tales, the Companions tra...
Posted by The Bourbon Knights on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 07:18:00 PST