Dj Punxxxter profile picture

Dj Punxxxter

Pure Greatness All Day Every Day!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

I was born in East LA...raised in La Puente...and reside in Long Beach, Califas for the last 18yrs...a true southern california kidI play guitar in KINGKILLERS and RAVENS MORELAND...I skateboard for fun and exercise... Also , i am a DJ that still spins stricktly VINYL...70's and 80's ecclectic and some 90'sThemed painting and plastering, tattooing and jewelry design and photographing are other abilities i attributeMost importantly, i aim to be an instrument of GOD...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

my great grandchildren, my dead homeys, my sl friends, me in 65 yrs, my maker...and those who truly understand the secret of life!!!


Everything from Santana to El chicano lol, old blues slide stuff, all early rock-n-roll pioneers, punk from all countries, lowrider oldies but goodies,some electronic stuff, OG rap, funk...but its gotta be REAL FUNKY.. and of course the original crazies, amadeus mozart and ludwig van beetoven....and basically anything that has true emotion and sincerity injected in to it...but i do appreciate the comedic stuff too....


thrashing, headwig and the angy inch, up in smoke, phantasm, heavy metal, boxing helena, american me, all rock n roll and punk ..aries, and friends old home footage....


don't have cable so.....


anarchy cookbook, outsiders, various magazines and fanzines, and the BIBLE


lucy rose,billy gibbons, ace frehley, angus young, ritchi stotts, ice T, hound dog taylor,and last but not least kenny schofield and eric huber RIP my brothers...

My Blog

...gettin the hang of my space

...iz "the blog" suppose to be theraputic or somethin? for venting deep dark imbeded feelings?...i don't know, do you?...
Posted by Dj Punxxxter on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 12:32:00 PST

...turnin cyber cyco these dayz...

aaaa duh aaaa  aaaaa  wuuuzzzzzuuuuuup u mutha effin cyber cycoz out there!!!!!!!what tha hell u got to say that i don't already know,  huh?......well??...lay it on me...... rock ...
Posted by Dj Punxxxter on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST