Shayla R Cakes [adjective] profile picture

Shayla R Cakes [adjective]

Could you move in slow motion? Everything goes by so fast. Just slow down a little, save the best pa

About Me

I hate selling myself on these things...but since all the cool kids are doing it, I suppose I will.I'm 22 and I'm awesome. Make no mistake about that. I don't have a lot of free time, because of my job that makes me cry at LEAST once a week, but what little free time I do have is spent at a metal show or playing Guitar Hero.
I also have been dabbling in photography at the aforementioned metal shows. I plan on uploading some of the work I do on my profile. Or somewhere else. Or nowhere at all.
Music is everything to me. I blame my parents and my grandparents for that. Haha. It's all I know, and all I think about I try to go to at least one show a week. It's like oxygen. I want to make a career of something involving music, someday. I don't know what though. I'm not very good at being musical, but I love it so much that I'll figure it out someday.
I'm eating a bagel, I like a boy, I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have are the best ones a girl could ask for. I hate my living situation, I love Kool Aid, and I eat more salads than you can shake a stick at.
Why you'd shake a stick at a salad is your thing though.

My Interests

Chipotle, guitar hero, heavy metal, playing and listening to music, going to shows, photogrpahy, meteorology, technology, gadgets, science, math, bubble baths, traveling, thunderstorms, candy conversation hearts, cooking/baking for myself/other people, the Pizza Hut in Coon Rapids, not killing myself at work, fuzzy animals, expensive makeup that I can't afford, my crackberry, my sleep number bed, electric blankets, being HOT. Haha.

I'd like to meet:

Brandon Boyd
Mike Patton
People who will eat Chipotle with me
Nice metal guys with awesome hair who treat me nicely and enjoy stupid humor and fart jokes *sigh* and knows how to balance life a little better


is my life.

Faith No More
American Head Charge
Nine Inch Nails
Justin Timberlake
Fear Factory
Britney Spears
Spice Girls
Ryan Adams
Jeff Buckley
Queens Of The Stone Age
Cult Of Luna(thx steve)
Killswitch Engage
40 Below Summer
Kelly Clarkson
A Perfect Circle
Limp Bizkit (yeah, and I am serious)
Martin Sexton
Led Zeppelin
Skid Row
Fiona Apple
Peeping Tom
Sons of Butcher

Here's What I've Been Listening To


I don't watch a lot of movies. I haven't the patience. So here's a list of the ones I love, quickly.

1. BASEKETBALL. greatest movie of all time EVER.
2. Elizabethtown. I'm a girl, it's okay.
3. Anne of Green Gables. Big nerd for the win.
4. Haggard. Bam Margera and co at their best.
5. Goodfellas. Nuff said.
6. Empire Records. I'm a girl from the 90's. It's ok.
7. The Wedding Singer. Adam Sandler wins.
8. Almost Famous. C'mon, Mitch Hedberg is in it.
9. Spinal Tap. Tonight they're going to rock you, tonight.
10. Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny. Satan.


Arthur, American Idol, The Nanny, I Love the 80's, I Love The 90's, Flavor of Love, I Love New York, all of those crazy VH1 shows (yaaay! Hal Sparks!), South Park, Talk Soup (or is it just The Soup now?), Stuff on E!, Degrassi, Fairly OddParents, Spongebob SquarePants


Lick the book. Lick the book. Book. Book.

I'm an albatross!


Danny Carey,
Mike Patton

My Blog

The waters have calmed, slightly.

Helaine packed up and moved out in the middle of the night.  Good, except for the mess she left in her room.  Posession is 9/10ths of the law, and I have to show this apartment, so it's eith...
Posted by Shayla R Cakes on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 12:20:00 PST

Boys = confusing.

They claim to be simple, but they are a little more complicated than they seem.See...girls are complicated, but they are consistently complicated, and usually universally complicated.  Guys, on t...
Posted by Shayla R Cakes on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 01:06:00 PST

My head is killing me!!!

Oh man.  I rule, a lot, and all the time.  Friday I went to work at 7, got out at 3, went to see Otep, hung out with J for a while, went to the rock to see Dying Euforia and Rivkit, got home...
Posted by Shayla R Cakes on Sun, 27 May 2007 02:37:00 PST

I'm addicted to pear fruit cups.

I'm blogging a lot lately.  It's good though.  Therapeutic.  I suppose I benefit from blogging...journaling...whatever.  I like computer journals the most, though, because I think ...
Posted by Shayla R Cakes on Fri, 18 May 2007 10:18:00 PST

almost too intense

I'm watching the People's Court just now...and it's a story about a merch company getting stiffed by a band. So I'm trying to figure out what band it is.I google : dean manager people's court band me...
Posted by Shayla R Cakes on Wed, 16 May 2007 11:09:00 PST

Going home...

So, this living situation thing didn't exactly work out.  So I'm putting my tail between my legs and going home.  I know. I know. It's only been three months, but an opportunity arose in whi...
Posted by Shayla R Cakes on Wed, 16 May 2007 01:09:00 PST

I'm trying to motivate myself to clean the bathroom.

But I just don't care right now.  I'm tired, and I'm hungry.  I'm trying to decide which is more important.So instead, I give you an undetermined amount of records that have changed my life ...
Posted by Shayla R Cakes on Mon, 14 May 2007 09:24:00 PST

my stomache doesn't work anymore.

I had a handful of peanuts for lunch, half a basket of fries for dinner, and nothing since 10:30 pm.And I am only kind of hungry.   
Posted by Shayla R Cakes on Tue, 08 May 2007 01:44:00 PST

I had...

A totally long, thought out, ranty blog and my computer never posted it.  Special maintanence my foot.Yeah.  Feet. Sam's Club is trying to kill me.  Taking away my star shoes? Seriously...
Posted by Shayla R Cakes on Sat, 05 May 2007 07:28:00 PST

Holy Yawning Batman.

Hey kids.  I got my computer back yesterday.  Everything FINALLY seems to be in working order.  They replaced my a/c adapter jack, my battery, and my LCD screen.  The screen got da...
Posted by Shayla R Cakes on Thu, 03 May 2007 08:45:00 PST