Lucy profile picture


Life: a sword of difficult....

About Me

Me is actually we. Brian and Lucy both inhabit this small chunk of cyber-space. However, we don't really use it much because we both have journals on another service. Email us if you're curious.This is simply a vague attempt to keep in touch with a couple of people we know that don't use "journals on another service".

My Interests

Runt, cherries, music, haunted houses, renaissance festivals, amusement parks, art, making stuff, MASH, the beach, Mon Delice, The Drive-Invasion, and other stuff.


We like music. It's thump-ity.

Rock, rockabilly, roots rock, punk, garage rock, soul, disco, ska, reggae, old school hip-hop, and classic country are all swell.


Dawn of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, True Romance, Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins, Rock N Roll High School, Death Race 2000, The Devils Rejects, Rio Bravo, The Good The Bad & The Ugly, Once Upon a Time in The West, Once Upon a Time in America, Kill Bill.


M.A.S.H., Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Insomniac, Futurama, King of the Hill, Northern Exposure.


Tortilla Flat, Travels With Charley, Pastures of Heaven, East of Eden, The Long Valley, One Man's Wilderness, The Dark Night Returns, Batman: Year One, On The Road, Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, The Watchmen, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Smile You're Travelling, The Dark Tower series, The Destroyer series, The Getaway, Born Bad, Hard Candy, Under the Tuscan Sun.


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My Blog

stupid subject line, needing a topic...

I think that I'm going to actually try to put this thing to use tonght. Let's see if I can reach out and touch someone.
Posted by Brian and Lucy on Tue, 30 May 2006 08:01:00 PST