Robert H. profile picture

Robert H.

One step below being insane is to be passionate!

About Me

Damn,this is tough,I just don't know where to start.My life has been a roller-coaster,its had ups and its had downs.I guess I should start early. I went to Madera Elementary School. I met my best friend Darren in the middle of our block,(the moving trucks were still there even)I recall saying "Hey,my name's Bobby, want to be friends"(lol),then we went in his house and I broke some sort of stupid sentimental mirror of his and thats when I guess the phrase "It was Bobby's fault" started.I met my other best friend Eric in third grade,but we didn't become great friends until 7th grade. I think the reason we became such great friends is the fact that both our fathers died of literally the same type of cancer.(bummer)We both had to deal with that from an early age which is pretty damn fucked up!(which fucked us up)! After my dad died I got bounced from mental hospital to boys homes!I did every drug I could get my hands on and didnt really care if I lived or died.(not cool)So then I got sent to a Christian mens home called the reclamation ranch,it got me off the drugs,and they promised to get me my G.E.D. which never happened.(but I intend to have that taken care of shortly). This lasted until I was 17 and then I started working, and I guess thats wht I have done ever since...I dont feel at liberty to tell anymore of my life story after 17 cause I am 23 now and I feel like my life is just starting on account of recent events in my life. To be continued...Layout Created by LilithReign
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Jewel(my fiancee)computer games, video games, board games, raquet ball, sex, love, Jewel, making love, reading, eating, music, hiking, fishing, cooking, loving, family, friends, best friends.This is my hot ass fiancee... =D

I'd like to meet:

A near-sighted gynecologist and ask him a few questions....
Games Provided By


Heavy metal,punk rock, industrial,jungle,techno,fuck rap and country! Cradle Of Filth Lyrics Cradle Of Filth Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by ..Mad World

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Happy Gilmore,Billy Madison,A Clockwork Orange,Anything Monty Python,Space Balls,Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back,Mallrats,Clerks,Dogma,Army of Darkness,The Goonies,Star Wars,(all of em')Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,Dazed and Confused,LOTR,Resident Evil 1 and 2,Memento,Donnie Darko,Underworld,Robin Hood-Men In Tights,Blazing Saddles,Top Secret,Kung Pow,Ninja Scroll,Akira,Vampire Hunter D,Princess Mononoke.


MXC on Spike T.V. Its a bunch of asians getting the shit beat out of them in a game show,its fucking hilarious!Oh yeah,much love for the Simpsons... width="425" height="350" ..


Dean Koontz, Piers Anthony, Stephen King, Robert Salvatore, Christopher Paolini and Terry Brooks.


My father,the greatest man who ever lived!(love ya dad)

My Blog

Taken off the market....

Well, I did it on the 12th of december... I proposed to the... Sweetest... Kindest... Caring... Nurturing... Loving... Passionate... Beautiful... Creative... Intelligent... Romantic... Thoughtful... ...
Posted by Robert H. on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 03:56:00 PST