Lounge, chillout ,opera, elevator, old R&B, hard rock, rap, jazz, and drinking songs and that song about the thing, you know the one, ya that one.
Authors; David Sedaris,Edward Rutherfurd,Tennessee Williams,Fannie Flagg,Matthew Stadler,Nick Hornby,Umberto Eco,The Book of Salt by Monique Truong, Rita Mae Brown,Truman Capote,Elie Wiesel,Harper Lee,Patricia Highsmith,Mary Renault,John Kennedy Toole,Amy Tan,Gloria Naylor,William S. Burroughs,Mary Stewart , Christopher Bram,Paul Bowles, adding more soon News & Mags L'Humanité
The Rev. Angela V. Askew (aKa Mother Askew), Mother Jones, My Mother, any Mother with attitude.