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EVERY MUSIC MADE BY HEAD AND HEART.........My favourite bands:_____________________________3rd And The Mortal, Aborym, Absurd Conflict, Agalloch, Agonoize, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Alchemist, Amanda Woodward, Amen, Amorphis, Anal Cunt, Anathema, Ancient Rites, And Oceans, Angel Dust, Angels and Agony, Angtoria, Anthemon, Antimatter, Antony And The Johnsons, Arcana, Arcturus, Arditi, Areknames, Arch Enemy, Archon Satani, Arti e Mestieri, Asphyx, Ataraxia, Atomic Rooster, Atreyu, Atrox, Autumn Tears, Autumnblaze, Avenged Sevenfold, Bad Religion, Bal Sagoth, Barry Adamson, Bathory, Beltaine, Beseech, Between The Buried And Me, Billy Cobham, Black Label Society, Black Mountain, Black Sabbath, Blaze, Blood Stain Child, Bloodbath, Blue Effect, Blue October, Blue Tears, BlutEngel, Body Count, Bonnie Prince Billy, Borknagar, Boron, Bratri Orfové, Burzum, Busdriver, Cadaveria, Caliban, Candlemass, Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Carnival In Coal, Carnival Of Dreams, Catamenia, Cave Nick, Cerebral Turbulency, Cinematic Orchestra, Clan Of Xymox, Converge, Coral, Cornerstone, Corrosion of Conformity, Corvus Corax, Cream, Criplle Bastards, Crown, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Crowbar, Cruachan, Cryptopsy, Cult Of Luna, Cure, Current 93, Curved Air, Cypress Hill, Dagoba, Dahmer, Dan Swanö, Danse Macabre, Danzig, Dargaard, Dario Mollo, Dark Fortress, Dark Funeral, Dark Gamballe, Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy, Dark Sanctuary, Dark Tranquillity, Darkane, Darkestrah, Darkseed, Darkspace, Darkthrone, Darkwood, David Bowie, Dead Infection, Dead Poetic, Death, Death Angel, Death In June, Death In Vegas, Death SS, Deathspell Omega, Deathstars, Debustrol, Decapitated, Deeds Of Flesh, Deep Purple, Deflorace, Deicide, Deine Lakaien, Delain, Demons & Wizards, Depeche Mode, Derek Sherinian, Derniere Volonté, Desdemona, Desiderii Marginis, Destruction, Deutsch Nepal, Devin Townsend Band, DeVision, Dezo Ursiny, DG 307, Diablerie, Diabolical Masquerade, Diary Of Dreams, Die Verbannten Kinder Evas, Dimmu Borgir, Dio, Diorama, Disbelief, Disembowelment, Disgorge, Disharmonic Orchestra, Dismal Euphony, Dismember, Dissection, Dissolving Of Prodigy, Divine Empire, Dodheimsgard, Dog Eat Dog, Doom VS, Doors, Dornenreich, Dozer, Draconian, Dracul, Dragon Force, Dreadful Shadows, Dream Evil, Dream Theater, Dreamscape, Dreamside, Driller Killer, Dust of Basement, Dvar, Dying Fetus, Dying Passion, Eagles of Death Metal, Earth Crisis, Ebony Lake, Ecclesia Satani, Ecstatic Mood, Ed Gein, Edenbridge, Edge Of Sanity, Edguy, Einherjer, Einstürzende Neubauten, Eloy, Elvira Madigan, Embalming Theater, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra, Emperor, Empyrium, End Of You, Endanger, Ensiferum, Enslaved, Enslavement Of Beauty, Ensoph, Entombed, Entwine, Ephel Duath, Equilibrium, Equirhodont, Eros Necropsique, Esbjörn Svensson Trio, Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, Ethereal Pandemonium, EverEve, Evergrey, Everon, Exciter, Exhumed, Exodus, Exploited, Explorers Club, Extol, Extreme Noise Terror, Faint, Faithless, Falconer, Falkenbach, Fall Ov Serafim, Farmer Boys, Fates Warning, Fear Before the March of Flames, Fejd, Fields Of The Nephilim, Fila Brazilia, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, Finntroll, Flamengo, Fleshcrawl, Fleshless, Flower Kings, Focus, Forgotten Silence, Forlorn, Frank Zappa, Freedom Call, Frozen Plasma, Fugazi, Funeral, Funki Porcini, Gae Bolg, Gallhammer, Gambale & Hamm & Smith, Gamma Ray, Gandalf, Garden Of Delight, Gardenian, Gary Hughes, Gates Of Ishtar, Gathering, Gazette, General Surgery, Genesis, George Harrison, Girls Under Glass, Glenn Hughes, Gloomy Grim, Gluecifer, God Among Insects, Godgory, Godless Truth, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Gojira, Gorefest, Gorerotted, Gorgasm, Gorgoroth, Gorguts, Grand Magus, Grateful Dead, Grave, Grave Digger, Graveland, Graveworm, Green Carnation, Green Monster, Greenslade, Greg Mathieson Project, Grigorij Leps, Grinderman, Gronibard, Grotesque Through Incoherence, H. N. F, Haemorrhage, Haemoth, Hagalaz Runedance, Haggard, Halford, Halgadom & Frostkrieg, Hammerfall, Hammers Of Misfortune, Harmonia Ensemble & Kocani Orkestar, Haunted, Hawkwind, Heavens Gate, Hecate Enthroned, Heimdall, Hellacopters, Hellfueled, Hellhammer, Helloween, Hellveto, Henry Rollins, Heorot, Hermaphrodit, Hildr Valkyrie, Hiromi, Holy Moses, Horslips, Hortus Animae, Hubi Meisel, Hype, Hypnos, Hypnotic Scenery, Hypocrisy, Charles Bronson, Children Of Bodom, Chris Caffery, Chroming Rose, Chuck Loeb, I, Ian Parry's Consortium Project, Ice T, Iced Earth, Icon of Coil, Iggy Pop, Ihsahn, Illdisposed, Immolation, Immortal, Impaled Nazarene, Impetigo, In Flames, In Slaughter Natives, In The Nursery, In The Woods, Incantation, Infectious Grooves, Infestdead, Infliction, Ingrowing, Inner Shrine, Interitus, Iron Maiden, Iron Savior, Isacaarum, Isis, Jacques Loussier Trio, Jadis, Jag Panzer, Jaga Jazzist, Janes Addiction, Janis Joplin, Jazzanova, Jeff Scott Soto, Jello Biafra with the Melvins, Jerry Cantrell, Jethro Tull, Jim Cert, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, John Frusciante, John Lennon, ...continuation next time
INDEPENDENT MOVIES PRODUCTION AND....... Akahige-Rudovous (Kurosawa) Seven Samurai-Sedm samuraju (Kurosawa) Tengoku to jigoku-Nebe a peklo (Kurosawa) Kagemusha (Kurosawa) Serpico (Lumet) Dog Day Afternoon-Psà odpoledne (Lumet) Sunset Blvd. (Wilder) Lost Weekend-Ztracený vÃkend (Wilder) Seventh Seal-Sedmá pecet (Bergman) Wild Strawberries-Lesnà jahody (Bergman) Winter Light-Hosté Vecere Páne (Bergman) Cerný Petr (Forman) HorÃ, má panenko (Forman) Taking Off (Forman) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest-Prelet nad kukaccÃm hnÃzdem (Forman) Hair-Vlasy (Forman) Ragtime (Forman) Amadeus (Forman) People vs. Larry Flynt-Lid versus Larry Flynt (Forman) Man on the Moon-Mu,, na MesÃci (Forman) Apocalypse Now-Apokalypsa (Coppola) Rainmaker-Vyvolávac de,,te (Coppola) Spalovac mrtvol (Herz) Petrolejové lampy (Herz) Kladivo na carodejnice (Vávra) Krakatit (Vávra) Obchod na korze (Klos,Kadár) V,,ichni dobrà rodáci (Jasný) Ceská rapsodie (Jasný) Graduate-Absolvent (Nichols) Catch22-Hlava 22 (Nichols) Ucho (Kachyna) Smrt krásných srncu (Kachyna) Kocár do VÃdne (Kachyna) Zlatà úhori (Kachyna) Kráva (Kachyna) Údolà vcel (Vlácil) Adelheid (Vlácil) Marketa Lazarová (Vlácil) Dáblova past (Vlácil) Life of Brian-,,ivot Briana (Jones) Monty Python and the Holy Grail-Monty Python a Svatý Grál (Jones) OsvÃcenÃ-Shining (Kubrick) ZabÃjenÃ-Killing (Kubrick) A Clockwork Orange-Mechanický pomeranc (Kubrick) Barry Lyndon (Kubrick) Elephant Man-Slonà mu,, (Lynch) Mulholland Dr.-Mulholland Drive (Lynch) Lost Highway (Lynch) Eraserhead-Mazacà hlava (Lynch) Casino-KasÃno (Scorsese) Goodfellas-Mafiáni (Scorsese) Raging Bull-ZurÃcà býk (Scorsese) Taxi Driver-Taxikár (Scorsese) Last Temptation of Christ-Poslednà poku,,enà Krista (Scorsese) Kundun (Scorsese) Mean Streets-,,pinavé ulice (Scorsese) Bringing Out the Dead-PocÃtánà mrtvých (Scorsese) /Divadlo Járy Cimrmana/ Jára Cimrman le,,Ãcà spÃcà (Smoljak) Rozpu,,tený a vypu,,tený (Smoljak) Forrest Gump (Zemeckis) Vykoupenà z veznice Shawshank-Shawshank Redemption (Darabont) Zelená mÃle-Green Mile (Darabont) Schindleruv seznam-Schindler's List (Spielberg) Purpurová barva-Color Purple (Spielberg) RÃ,,e slunce-Empire of the Sun (Spielberg) BlÃzká setkánà tretÃho druhu-Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Spielberg) Chyt me kdy,, to doká,,e,,-Catch Me If You Can (Spielberg) Mnichov-Munich (Spielberg) Amistad (Spielberg) Tenkrát na Západe-Once Upon a Time in the West (Leone) Tenkrát v Americe-Once Upon a Time in America (Leone) Pulp Fiction (Tarantino) Gauneri-Reservoir Dogs (Tarantino) Sin City (Rodriguez) Tenkrát v Mexiku-Once Upon a Time in Mexico (Rodriguez) Rain Man (Levinson) Spáci-Sleepers (Levinson) Bugsy (Levinson) Sedm-Se7en (Fincher) Klub rvácu-Fight Club (Fincher) Zodiac (Fincher) Hra-Game (Fincher) Mesto bohu-City of God (Lund,Meirelles) Pátý element-Fifth Element (Besson) Rekviem za sen-Requiem for a Dream (Aronofsky) Pi (Aronofsky) Fontána-Fountain (Aronofsky) Americká krása-American Beauty (Mendes) Road to Perdition (Mendes) Tanec s vlky-Dances with Wolves (Costner) JFK (Stone) Ceta-Platoon (Stone) Doors (Stone) Nebe a zeme-Heaven & Earth (Stone) Narozen 4. cervence-Born on the Fourth of July (Stone) Salvador (Stone) Wall Street (Stone) Takovà normálnà zabijáci-Natural Born Killers (Stone) Nixon (Stone) Hotel Rwanda (George) Braindead (Jackson) Lord of the Rings I-III (Jackson) Spolecnost mrtvých básnÃku-Dead Poets Society (Weir) Truman Show (Weir) Gallipoli (Weir) Trainspotting (Boyle) Bio Ráj-Cinema Paradiso (Tornatore) Pouhá formalita-Pura formalitè (Tornatore) Legenda o 1900-Legend of 1900 (Tornatore) NelÃtostný souboj-Heat (Mann) Memento (Nolan) Following (Nolan) Dokonalý trik-Prestige (Nolan) Insomnia (Nolan) Nauka o snech-Science of Sleep (Gondry) Vecný svit neposkvrnené mysli-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Gondry) Carlitova cesta-Carlito's Way (De Palma) Zjizvená tvár-Scarface (De Palma) Obeti války-Casualties of War (De Palma) Gándhà (Attenborough)...continuation next time
...and many more ...continuation next time