My passion in this life has always been playing music. It started early in my life in the 3rd grade when I learned and started playing cornet in the school band, but it really took off after the British Invasion and the acquistion of a cheap guitar, (A Lindell and a Kalamzoo Amp). I worked all summer to get it!!! I don't think my Dad was real thrilled about it, but it wasn't another puppy and we didn't have to feed it. I know he was sure surprised when he heard me play and it didn't take too long until my practicing to become a rock star was exiled to the garage, and at times it got pretty cold out there, but still I kept on with my dog as my biggest fan encouraging me. I was on my way, but where I still don't know??? I guess I have played in a zillion bands just about every kind of music there is, I like it all, (not really rap though). I probably like blues and southern rock the best but I listen to all of it from Classical to heavy metal, pop to funk, and classic country. I currently play with K.A.G.E.D., and we play a little bit of everything. I am now learning to play golf which I am finding to be a money hole similiar to a boat. I can hit the ball most of the time! I just don't have any idea where it is going to go, but I really enjoy riding in the little cart though. I am also interested in the Civil War and it's participants, who were some pretty remarkable people on both sides of the line.
Musicians with similiar interests! I guess also other Beginning Golfers like me & People high on life!
Non-fiction, Music Bios & history (mostly Civil War)
Our Servicemen and My Family; from my Grandparents to my Grandchildren, each member has surprised or amazed me at one time or another with the courage and determination they displayed facing and winning over one or more of life's hard knocks. It doesn't always take a great deed to make a hero, but it does take heart.