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Grassroots 4 Obama


About Me

I'm asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington... I'm asking you to believe in yours." -Barack Obama
This site is for all the volunteers of grassroots efforts supporting Barack Obama. We know our hard work and dedication are appreciated. Our united goal is to support Barack, the man we believe has the integrity, inspiration and leadership to make our voices heard in Washington.
"Why I Support Barack Obama"

"It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where we are today, but we have just begun. Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today." - Barack Obama
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Group Highlight of the Week
Generation Obama/GO is a locally-based but nationally organized grassroots movement led by young activists with a simple goal: electing Barack Obama the next President of the United States of America through field work, political organizing and fundraising.
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“We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions
to participate in the process of change.
Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people,
can transform the world.”

– Howard Zinn


It is estimated 2008 Presidential candidates will need to raise $500 million each. Obama has currently raised ~$102.2M.

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My Blog

New GOP Ad misrepresents the Global Poverty Act

In case you hear about "Obama's bill on Global Poverty that will raise each tax payers taxes over $800/yr"... here is a great response that clarifies the bill and it's intent.  (fyi-the mailing f...
Posted by Grassroots 4 Obama on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 07:51:00 PST

Ideas to help Obama

Passing along a message from a fellow Obama supporter today, with some great ideas to support the campaign. Have another to add?  =)~grassroots4obamaOkay Folks,What have we done today to get Oba...
Posted by Grassroots 4 Obama on Tue, 27 May 2008 12:03:00 PST

DNC Meets 5/31 to Decide MI/FL - How You Can Help

Send positive comments stating you support the DNC in standing by it's original ruling to: http://www. democrats. org/page/petition/chairmanAlso, if you're in the DC area at that time, please consider...
Posted by Grassroots 4 Obama on Sat, 24 May 2008 08:09:00 PST

Obama Supporters: Share your thoughts and experiences with Obama HQ

If you have volunteered for the campaign - or if you haven't, but are a supporter - please take a minute to fill out this short survey from Obama HQ to share your thoughts and suggestions. =) Obama Su...
Posted by Grassroots 4 Obama on Sat, 24 May 2008 07:55:00 PST

Obama Set to Clinch Nomination

Obama's in a good position to clinch the nomination.  Here's the breakdown: 1627  Pledged Delegates are needed for a majority2025  Total Pledged and Super Delegates are needed to win th...
Posted by Grassroots 4 Obama on Sun, 04 May 2008 12:01:00 PST

Vote for Change - May 10th Voter Registration & Mobilization Drive

On May 10th, Barack Obama is launching Vote for Change, an unprecedented 50-state voter registration and mobilization drive. More than 100 events will be held across the country that day. Obama volunt...
Posted by Grassroots 4 Obama on Sun, 04 May 2008 11:51:00 PST

Obama calls for empathy to bridge racial divide:

..In today’s historical speech, Obama discusses the racial stalemate our country continues to harbor. He eloquently sums up the empathy we need to see the other individual’s str...
Posted by Grassroots 4 Obama on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 08:18:00 PST

Women for Obama postcard campaign

T. Sheppard, a  member of Ohio Women for Obama and a volunteer organizer in Columbus, Ohio is coordinating a national postcard campaign... "We want women in Pennsylvania to know that in...
Posted by Grassroots 4 Obama on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:18:00 PST

Hope. Action. Change.

  Hope. Action. Change. That was Obama's slogan I remember from a grassroots event in March 2007. And it still is. The swift (but unfortunate) loss of campaign aide Samantha Powers shows exa...
Posted by Grassroots 4 Obama on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 11:56:00 PST

Did Obama win Texas?

Did Obama win Texas?  It looks likely....     Did Obama Win Texas? ..By David KnowlesMar 5th 2008 9:07PM   That's what the Austin American-Statesman has concluded, anyway:...
Posted by Grassroots 4 Obama on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:27:00 PST