Hush Recordz profile picture

Hush Recordz

you've always been able to fly!

About Me

Hush recordz appears as an innovative project in the area of electronic music, which the main goal of searching for new talents and the promotion and propagation of artists, in a national and international level, intending to support exclusively leading edge artists, with high quality productions capable to compete internationally. The search for talents in the Portuguese market is not its only bet. Hush recordz has open doors for artists all over the world, transforming the brand into a multicultural space of exchange of ideas in this artistic universe.

Hush is an ambitious project that branches out in various areas, all with goals that are established by the basic nature of the project as well as the biggest cause that it defends – the support and the international recognition of creative and outstanding works, for its form and content and for the capacity of execution and creative power that it’s required. Hush gives its first step through music, giving life to ‘hush recordz’, this one in its own way responsible for the promotion of artists, recruitment of DJ’s; the editing, distribution and divulgation of projects and productions; and organization of events.

The site, still under-construction, will function as the virtual headquarters of hush, its connection to the World. A space of exchange of ideas, values and experiences, intended to explore various areas of creativity. From music and video to photography, illustration and design, hush intends to create an international artistic space open to art, quality and novelty, values that stimulate creation and give voice to what is many times silenced.

Hush agenzy, hush merchandizing and hush eventz are the next branching projects, for hush is more than just a personalized brand, hush is an attitude, a way of life, on to the creativity, the innovation and the stimulation of the mind transformed into art!

My Interests


Member Since: 5/25/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Calá Deb Mike Carlota Rita Jon Peter Pan

Download Calá (Hush Recordz) DJ SET (Minimal-Tech 07.2007 Mix) @

Download SPOM (Hush Recordz) DJ SET (Minimal-Tech House 12.2006 Mix) @

For booking Hush Recordz's artists please contact [email protected]

Sounds Like:
Record Label: Hush Recordz
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

FLY Wide Open Air @ Op Art, 8th of June

..> Lembra-te dos sonhos em que voaste. Dos momentos em que fechaste os olhos e flutuaste ou quando simplesmente cortas o vento, em corrida ou pensamento. É a inspiração, realidade ou imaginaçã...
Posted by Hush Recordz on Sat, 26 May 2007 02:56:00 PST