BRAZILIANSURF profile picture



About Me

Surf music is universal. Maybe that's why it's blossoming in many places outside the country of its birth. Every country where surf music has seen a rebirth has added the local musical culture into the mix. In Brazil, that has often meant the traditional surf sound has been approached from a punk or metal background, and of course Dick Dale has had his influence as well.As an American surf DJ and producer, I've been fascinated by the Brazilian surf scene through the allure created by the distance between us. I particularly appreciate the experimental and nontraditional elements that the bands employ. From the scariness of Pata de Elefante and the intense harshness of Estrume'N'Tal to the ominous pulsing of Os Pazuzus and the punk intensity of Autoramas. Rockabilly is used as a platform by Los Tornados, and Capitao Parafina e Os Haoles bring in a big horn section for a tropical band sound that rocks.Every band here presents new and strong ideas rooted in the unique style of music that is surf. This is just as true for the more traditional bands like Cochabambas, the Dead Rocks, and Super Stereo Surf.Surf Brazil brings together some of Brazil's finest bands, all with their own vision of this high energy music. This collection showcases the breadth of the scene. There's something particularly original here. More than just the energy, the sound is intense and compelling. Every song is different, yet they all share the historic thread of surf music. If you're lucky enough to live in Brazil, you MUST already know about these bands! If you're already a fan of the genre, then Surf Brazil provides a solid sampling of music from a burgeoning scene far from most of us. If you don't know what this music is, this is a great place to start.
Surf Brazil is a great set of surf music from Brazil. Don't miss it!
Surf's Up! Phil Dirt
THE DEAD ROCKS-Theme for Rock is Dead

My Interests

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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
