Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts profile picture

Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts

About Me

************************************************************ ************************************************************ **************************** At BEATNIK MOON ROCK & ROLL CRAFTS we are half design studio and half record company. On the left of this page you can see LPs and 7" released by us. Under these lines you can see some videos of our bands. If you like what you see and if you want to buy some record or ask for a proposal related to your business, band or whatever, you only have to ask. Please visit our site to check in depth a selection of our works. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **************************** BEATNIK MOON ROCK & ROLL CRAFTS somos mitad estudio de diseño, mitad sello discográfico, en la izquierda de esta página puedes ver Lp's y 7" editados por nosotros. Debajo de estas líneas puedes ver algunos videos de nuestras bandas. Si te gusta lo que ves y quieres comprar algún disco o prefieres pedir presupuesto para algo relacionado con tu negocio, banda o lo que sea, sólo has de pedirlo. Visita nuestra web para ver más extensamente una selección de nuestros trabajos. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **************************** THE ACT-UPS "MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO" Tema de su álbum LP "THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN & HELL" ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **************************** JESUSRACER R&R 3 "TEARDROPS ON FIRE" Tema de su EP "JESUS TE AMA" ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **************************** MOTOSIERRA "BACK IN TOWN" Tema de su álbum LP "LIFE IN HELL" ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ****************************

My Interests


Member Since: 5/23/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences: JESUS RACER R&R TRIO "JESUS TE AMA" EP 7" Beatnik Moon R&R Crafts. BM 001/04. PACKAGING ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ******************************* THE ACT-UPS "THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN & HELL" LP Beatnik Moon R&R Crafts. BM 002/06. PACKAGING ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ******************************* MOTOSIERRA "LIFE IN HELL" LP Beatnik Moon R&R Crafts. BM 003/07. PACKAGING

Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace

Record Label: Beatnik Moon R&R Crafts
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Review of Motosierra "Life In Hell" by Martin Popoff /Hardradio, Brave Words & Bloody knuckle

MOTOSIERRA "Life In Hell" (Beatnik Moon R&R Crafts) Just a quick mention for a cool Spanish thing I received, Motosierra cranking a Hellacopters manic good time, sung a bit awkwardly in English, ...
Posted by Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:46:00 PST

Entrevista a MOTOSIERRA en Popular 1 (Julio 2007) por Alberto Zaragoza.

Posted by Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 08:16:00 PST

Review of MOTOSIERRA "LIFE IN HELL" in June issue of ROCK HARD by Richard Royuela .

MOTOSIERRA "LIFE IN HELL" - Beatnik Moon Luckly nowadys, and from every corner of the world, you can find records of those that leave you paralized just with the first listening. Let's take as an exa...
Posted by Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 11:02:00 PST


SI, SI, SI!! Queridos amigos, Jesus Racer Rock 'N' Roll Trio han colgado para deleite de todos nosotros 2 temas inéditos en su página DISFRUTÁDLOS!! Y...
Posted by Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 10:31:00 PST

Review of MOTOSIERRA "LIFE IN HELL" in the June issue of Ruta 66 by Jaime Gonzalo

MOTOSIERRA "LIFE IN HELL" - Beatnik MoonFirst of all, don't mistake with Motosierras, the punky-pop Ramones style band from Santa Coloma de Gramanet. In singular and from Uruguay, Motosierra mean an ...
Posted by Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 10:23:00 PST


Jesus, guitarra y voz de Jesus Racer R&R Trio, ¡¡POR FIN!! se ha dignado a compartir con la humanidad su faceta más intimista en NO TE LO PIERDAS!! Jesus, gui...
Posted by Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 12:17:00 PST

Review MOTOSIERRA "LIFE IN HELL" in the June issue of Popular 1 (Spain) by A.Zaragoza

MOTOSIERRA "LIFE IN HELL" - Beatnik MoonSatanism. Nudity. Blood. Motosierra are back to tell us how life in hell is like. The underground Uruguayan band that took part in the mythical "Alpha Motherfuc...
Posted by Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:04:00 PST

Entrevista a MOTOSIERRA por Markenstein/ (Junio 2007)

Si oyes por ahí la palabra MOTOSIERRA no sólo tienes que pensar en La Matanza de Texas y Leatherface... debes saber que MOTOSIERRA significa también punk-rock adrenalinico made in Uruguay, son una api...
Posted by Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 04:23:00 PST

Crítica de MOTOSIERRA "LIFE IN HELL" por Richard Royuela/ROCK HARD (junio 2007)

Posted by Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 12:47:00 PST

Crítica de MOTOSIERRA "LIFE IN HELL" por Rafael Pelaez/ (Junio 2007)

Corto y pego desde: a/life/in/hell/beatnik/moon/records MOTOSIERRA: "Life in Hell" (Beatnik Moon Records) Estos son un puto ascensor que ...
Posted by Beatnikmoon Rock and Roll Crafts on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 01:31:00 PST