Well, I have been in love with music most of my remembered life, and rock-n-roll plays a major part in that love, with Elvis and the early bands that were a bit before my time, yet they were there for me to listen to. Elvis movies, and surf movies were my spring board. In the mean time Link Wray and Dick Dale’s guitar work made me jump. Then came the British invasion, heard most of the Beatles and Stone’s hits break on a small transistor radio as we played baseball, then came the summer of love, and music changed forever. And metal emerged, and then glitter, glam, punk, new wave, rockabilly, and a lot of genres sprang from those, and I loved it all.Over the years I have been to many concerts and shows, been in a band myself, and have lots of friends who play and enjoy music as I do. I also love all the other arts as well, art in all of its mediums, be it painting, drawing, sculpting, or photography. Cinema and literature, that’s me in a nut shell. Let me leave you with this. I wish I had a dollar for every hour I spent in bowling alleys, carnivals, and tattoo studios (I kind of sound like a rockabilly, well…I guess I am.) I could keep myself in booze and burgers for a spell.I would like to thank Donald Alban and Rob Darr for turning me on to myspace, and all the support and fun we have had over the years.
All are welcome here on this myspace page.Clay Thomas