Born on april 25, 1989 in Namur (Belgium, I already heard metal songs while I still was in my mother's belly, since my father was - and still is - a metal singer. I sometimes watch videos that were filmed by my parents when I 2 years old little boy, showing me singing "Smoke On The Water" or "Paranoid" as loud as I could... I started playing the keyboards when I was 11, attending a rock oriented music school.
I launched my major band ETHERNITY in 2000, together with my brother Nicolas Spreutels on the drums, my cousin François Spreutels on the bass, and a few friends. In addition to ETHERNITY, I joined my father and my uncle in SAPPHIRE in 2005.
Besides my 2 bands, I'm now recording the keyboard tracks for Dushan Petrossi's MAGIC KINGDOM's third album " Symphony Of War".
Last but not least: I sing the backing vocals in ETHERNITY and in SAPPHIRE, and I started learning to play the drums 2 years ago.
ETHERNITY Official Website
ETHERNITY Official MySpace Page
MAGIC KINGDOM Official MySpace Page