Hello and Welcome!
I am so excited to be here! I am so pleased that you have visited me and want to know more about me!
My life has been very full, and very exciting. I am married to a man that I am in love with (wow!) and we are celebrating our 23rd year together. I am the mother of a very talented and beautiful (I can say that!)
15 year old daughter. And my house is alive with the sounds of 1 puppy, one snitty kitty, barking squirrels, and lovely songbirds (oh and the neighbors screeching cat!).
I have traveled the United States in a school bus, a covered wagon, on foot, in a car, by plane, train and thumb. I have seen beauty in each place and in the faces of those I have met.
I've been employeed as a Senior Operations Manager(yowsa! how many hours?), Store Manager (big box retail, whew! what a trip), salesperson(sho me da money!), flower arranger and deliverer, secretary, cook, drive thru girl, (smile at those drive thru people, it isn't easy in there!), security guard, horse trainer, cleaning lady, Human Resource Manager, and all around flunkie! The best job I ever had was that of Mother and Wife!
Recently through the most amazing series of fortunate events, I have discovered a wonderful opportunity that has ignited my passion for living and is showing me how to make all my dreams come true, while aligning my values with how I make my living. I am excited and in love with this whole home based business, and I can hardly keep my mouth shut about it! I don't want to leave anyone out!lol
Well, it has been nice sharing with you about my life. I would love to know more about you! Please send me an email and let me know who you are! I look forward to hearing from you!
Love and Abundance to you!
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