DJ Matty B - NV Afterparty EVERY SATURDAY! profile picture

DJ Matty B - NV Afterparty EVERY SATURDAY!


About Me

Yo Yo!! Im Matty B! And I am an alcoholic... no, really!!!LOVEMYFLASH CODE

My Interests

MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC AND MMUUSSIICC!!! I live for music, i will die for music! Everything from Burt Bacharach to Roni Size!!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! As well as promoting my own nights i also DJ, specialising in house and big beat / breakbeat. I try to play out as much as I can but with having to work every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night its quite hard to!! I'll keep you all posted on big parties that im DJ'ing at!

I'd like to meet:

Jessica Alba for personal reasons!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


drum n bass, funky house, dirty house, electro house, tech house, progressive house, hip hop, liquid funk, breakbeat, 2-step, big beat, chill-out, indie, rock, emo, grunge, trip hop, us garage, us house, blues, jazz, opera, classical, soul, funk, country, motown, EVERY SYTLE OF MUSIC EVER MADE! the only thing i dont like is cheesey and commercial shit (also known as pop!)!!!!!!!!


Where do i start, i own hundreds and hundreds of DVDs going from everything Tarantino has ever done to westerns, sci-fis, comedys... the list goes on!! Basically i like any films that is half-decend. I took film studies at college so i'm really into everything to do with films


There are two types of chanels that i watch, Music Chanels (apart from MTV now because all it plays is shit and cheesy programs like pimp my ride etc!!!) and the Discovery chanels, if theres no decent music on i'l watch a documentry about how wide the river nile is in milimetres or summat like that!!!


I'v started to read loads in my old age, i keep reading either biographys of really wierd and f*cked up people or completely crazy she-ite!! u know... them kinda books that you just dont want to put sown because you think that there might be sum kind of meaning to them in the end but it turns out that there isnt!!!!!!


John Peel (Ledgendary Radio1 DJ)... Frankie Knuckles (The man who practically invented house music)... Tony Coleman (An amazing music producer who i met back stage at a London Electricity Live show in London. He taught not to go with conventions, simply play the records that i like and i wanna play and as long as i enjoy doin what im doin so will other people...WOW! Thats some deep shit!)... Groove Armada (It was their early stuff that basically got me into dance music)... Phil Collins... Eric Clapton... Daft Punk... Quinten Tarantino... Edward Norton... Dave Grohl... and probably a lot of other people!!

My Blog

Planet Funk!!

Hey people!! How was everyones weekend??? Mine has only just finished after last nights fun and frolics only to be started again on WEDNESDAY!!!! WHOO-HOO PLANET FUNK'S 3RD BIRTHDAY PARTY @ Dragon Ey...
Posted by Matty B on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 02:09:00 PST