TELL THE TRUTH - Mos Def - Immortal Technique - Eminem
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INVESTIGATE 911! THINK FOR YOURSELF!!MUSIC, chillin, movies, road trips, i am a HISTORY buff.."Those who cannot remember the past are condemed to repeat it." - George Santayana, kickin it with my people, havin fun
Quinten Tarrentino, Dave Chappelle, Pimp C, Alex Jones, the Founding Fathers
robert davis & H.A.W.K. R.I.P. classic rock(Led, Doors, Clapton ect.), Rock (metallica, chevelle, 311 ect.) rap, chopped&screwed, hardcore there are too many artists in each to name them and too many other genres
America:Freedom To Fascism lock stock and two smoking barrels, seven, scarface..but who doesnt love it?, unbreakable, forest gump, bill murray in general esp. in ghostbusters, half baked, dumb and dumber, liar lair, oceans 11, braveheart, 6th sense, the jackel, the good the bad and the ugly, batman: beginning, man on fire, heat, rain man, remember the titans, grandma's boy, Pulp Fiction, Matrix, The Sting (redford & newman), Blue Streak, Chappelle's Killin' Them Softly, Lord of the Rings (amazing filmin' skills), Stewie Griffin Movie, my head is about to explode...
keith olbermann! family guy, chris angel, south park, comedy central and every show on it!!, simpsons, that 70s show, csi, UFC, f mtv
Thomas Jefferson (as well as many other Founding Fathers), Albert Einstein, Alex Jones, Louder Than Words, Nikola Tesla, Sibel Edmunds