YouTube Video ResizerHi there and welcome to my site. I hail from the fair city of Glasgow in bonny Scotland. I was born and bred here in Glasgow and, although I have travelled a bit and lived in a few other countries, as the song says, "My Heart Belongs to Glasgow". . . . . I play drums with a band called Blind Allez (see my friends below) with my buddies Cami, Joolz, Peter and Ian, all of whom I have known for many years. Any Gun fans out will be interested to know that this is the orig band that eventually became Gun. . . . . I have also played with several other acts, a couple of these being bands that I helped form when I lived in London, small local bands with no great claim to fame. . . . . I have also performed sessions with such bands as Scottish funky rockers Slide in the late '80s, and after leaving Gun I did return to perform sessions for them on two albums, Taking On The World and Gallus. . . . . I jammed regularly with several excellent musicians whilst living in the West Country, not least Cliff Moore and his band, and also performing a small vocal set at the Charlie Derrek memorial concert, along with many of the West Country's finest acts which included Dr Chocolate, Eddie Martin, Cliff Moore and The John Fenlon Band (for whom Charlie performed so brilliantly), an event I was privilaged to be included in and happy to contribute to for my good friend Charlie, God rest his soul, and an event which raised a huge amount af cash for the Charlie Derrek Bursery Fund for young, upcoming musicians in Worle School, Weston Super Mare and a fitting tribute to such talented young guitarist. (examples of Charlie's playing can be heard and purchased from www.johnfenlonband.co.uk) . . . . Most recently (apart from reforming Blind Allez) I have played drums for El Presidente on nine tracks on there debut album (in the absense of Dawn). At the moment I am in the proccess of forming my own wee band with members of Blind Allez, The Hussys and Maiden Scotland, just for the hell of it, and so that I can get a chance to sing instead of sitting behind the drums where nobody can see me . . . . lol. With any luck this should be up and running as soon as I get off my arse and book some rehearsal time!! lol. News of this will be posted here, on the Blind Allez myspace and on the Blind Allez Home Page, so WATCH THIS SPACE!! . . . . I have a lovely wife, Louise, who I love dearly and three kids, Jude, Alex and Ailsa, who mean the world to me. My family is the most important thing in my life (with music a close second . . . lol). We have been married since early 2005 and I just couldn't imagine being away from my Louise and my wonderful (if a bit mental) kids. . . . . So there ya have it, that's a bit of nonsense about me, this is my wee space and you are all welcome . . . . . . . Cheers!
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