About Me
Hey guys!Hello there,
Hope everyone is well. We finished some recording last week
in Glasgow and for your information - it is sounding GREAT! Still got so
much to do. We've also been reahearsing new material for the up an coming
French tour - its a really exciting time for us just now. Dante did an
interview last week for CNN in America which went really well. We're
desperate to get over there and play.This Great Scot Awards are being held in Glasgow at the weekend and we've
been invited to attend. Its really nice to be asked to an event that is so
worth while. The awards honour people in Scotland who have done
extraordinary things, as well as Scottish sportsmen, entertainers,
politicians, actors...etc. looking forward to it.Well thats all for now - i'll let you know how this week progresses.LM x
to Mark Millar LETS TALK ABOUT PHYSICS: Solar flares occur in eleven-year cycles.
This sunspot activity has been linked to everything from schizophrenia to migraine
headaches, but nobody wants to talk about the music. This phenomenon coincides
with a periodic revolution in global consciousness and, every eleven years, the
old is replaced by the new. NOW PAY ATTENTION: In 1955 there was Rock and Roll.
In 1966 there was Psychedelia. In 1977 there was Punk In 1988 there was Acid House
and in 1999 there was EL PRESIDENTE THE SECRET REVOLUTION: Brit-pop was safe.
A world of floppy-haired, middle-class schoolboys with recording contracts and
working-class millionaires pacified by B-list starlets bought, brainwashed and
trained by the highest echelons of MI5. Their endless retreads of their fathers
vinyl collections had created a cosy consensus in the British music scene as the
country waited for the next big thing. Deep in their hearts, the public hoped
for something new that would turn things on their head again. But nothing came.
There was a vacuum on every stage in every city in the United Kingdom as El Presidente
was being patched up in his mothers East End bolthole. Only days before he held
a gun to the Monarch, who was forced to read his personal music manifesto. For
forty-eight hours, Britain had become a glorious Republic and El Presidente was
both lead-singer and architect of this secret revolution. His manifesto, to this
day, is shrouded in mystery and only four band members remain of the six hundred
and sixty six believers who helped him stage the coup in that unforgettable summer
of 1999. WHO IS EL PRESIDENTE? He has no passport, no fingerprints and no record
of a birth certificate exists in any known country and yet he has been on the
FBIs Most Wanted list for close to a decade now. Counter-terrorism officers have
described him as the most dangerous musician in the world and the lyrics to his
music have been banned in forty-seven countries, including Lithuania and Mexico.
Airport security agents have been ordered to shoot El Presidente or any member
of his Shadow Government on sight if they are seen trying to leave or enter the
country. He refuses to recognise The Monarchy, the Prime Minister or the established
British Parliament. Only he and his shadow team, he insists, are fit to run this
country and this first single is his first step to reclaiming the office he held
for those two short days. HIS SHADOW GOVERNMENT: El Presidente will only allow
those he trusts implicitly to get close to him. There are only four surviving
members of his original band of followers, and their backgrounds range from minor
overseas royalty to the world of bare-knuckle boxing and cage-fights. No information
will be given on any of these people as their families are known and already under
the scrutiny of Tom Ridge and the US Department of Homeland Security. YOU NEED
HIM NOW MORE THAN EVER: Thats why hes back. There is no ego here. No bid for
the pathetic baubles and trappings of pop success. The world was waiting to be
rescued in 1999, but the forces of the establishment conspired to prevent the
country from finding this new voice. They killed his friends, hushed up everything
he had ever accomplished and left him for dead in that Palace Coup. But wounds
heal, his anger has been reborn and hes had enough of an industry dictated by
shit Saturday night television. Your one true leader is back, comrades. VIVA EL