Deborah profile picture


We get our kicks above the waistline, sunshine!

About Me

NEWS BIO MUSIC TOUR GALLERY PRESS MEDIA DOWNLOADS FORUM STOREThe shy girl in the corner that never speaks until spoken to. The dirty looks are just a defense mechanism. Really.

My Interests

Eyeliner, stalking rock stars, truck stops, road trips, collecting bad movies, going to shows, psychological disorders, insomnia, Stoli Peach

I'd like to meet:

Boys wearing eyeliner and girls in high heels.
Since this is friends only, does it really even matter?


AFI, AFI, AFI, Siouxsie and the Banshees, the Misfits, Turbonegro, Green Day, Joy Division, the Buzzcocks, Ladytron, Nirvana, Danzig, Tom Petty, 45 Grave, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, the Beatles, David Bowie, New Order, the Faint, A Fire Inside, Mojave 3, Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave, Killing Joke, My Chemical Romance, The Secret Machines, DFA 1979, The Rapture, The Smiths, Fall Out Boy, NIN, Bauhaus


Valley Girl, Pirates of the Carribean, Rushmore, The Shining, 24 Hour Party People, Real Genius, Times Square, Napoleon Dynamite, BBC Pride and Predjudice with Colin Firth in it. Thank you Mahsa for getting me obsessed with Colin Firth!!!! Argh!


Grey's Anatomy, Entourage,Law and Order! In every incarnation, Mork and Mindy, Jem and the Holograms, Three's Company, The Surreal Life, Futurama, Flavor of Love and pretty much every Celebreality show on VHI.


David Sedaris, Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, The Virgin Suicides, Girl, The Weetzie Bat books, The Great Gatsby, Harry Potter, Pride and Predjudice, Crime and Punishment


Sofia Coppola, Deborah Harry, Siouxsie Sioux

My Blog

Blog Take 3

So, I'm not really sure what to make of the My Space blog. It is, after all, my third blog. I don't go on Live Journal anymore and my music blog shouldn't even be as personal as it is, so I've found...
Posted by Hot Debi Shortcake on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 09:13:00 PST