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Cyber Crusader

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"Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted." Galatians 6:1 (NASB)

What Would Muhammad Do?

What Really Happened in the Middle East

Erwun Caner Shares His Journey Through Islam

Who is a True Prophet? [Muhammad's Prophet Test]

How Jesus Christ fulfills the Old Testament


Islam and the Final Beast

The Religion of Peace&trade


Jihad Watch


The Noble Qur'an (so you can see it for yourself)

The Bible (with many different translations)

If Jesus is God, then Mohammed was wrong and therefore a false prophet.
If Jesus was NOT God, then He could not be a prophet of God
since therefore He lied and blasphemed
so then Mohammed was wrong, and therefore a false prophet.

My Interests

"The wisdom of God devised a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God while not compromising the righteousness of God."~ John Piper

"For my own part, I believe that in dealing with skeptics, and unbelievers, and enemies of the Bible, Christians are too apt to stand only on the defensive. They are too often content with answering this or that little objection, or discussing this or that little difficulty, which is picked out of Scripture and thrown in their teeth. I believe we ought to act on the aggressive far more than we do, and to press home on the adversaries of [Biblical] inspiration the enormous difficulties of their own position." -J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)

"Christianity is...rarely understood by those outside its bounds. In fact, this is probably one of the greatest tasks confronting the apologist-to rescue Christianity from misunderstandings." -Alister E. McGrath

Chess, Tennis, Reading, among other things.

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Christianity is the only belief system where God reaches down to man,
all others have man trying to reach God.

By George Zeller and Steve Van Nattan
Mohammed was the prophet of war;
Christ is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6-7).

Mohammed's disciples killed for the faith;
Christ's disciples were killed for their faith (Acts 12:2; 2 Timothy 4:7).

Mohammed promoted persecution against the "infidels";
Christ forgave and converted the chief persecutor (1 Timothy 1:13-15).

Mohammed was the taker of life;
Christ was the giver of life (John 10:27-28).

Mohammed and his fellow warriors murdered thousands;
Christ murdered none but saved many (compare John 12:48).

Mohammed's method was COMPULSION;
Christ's aim was voluntary CONVERSION (Acts 3:19).

Mohammed practiced FORCE;
Christ preached FAITH (John 6:29,35).

Mohammed was a WARRIOR;
Christ is a DELIVERER (Col. 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 1:10).

Mohammed conquered his enemies with the sword;
Christ conquered his enemies with another kind of sword, the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12; Acts 2:37).

Mohammed said to the masses, "Convert or die!";
Christ said, "Believe and live!" (John 6:47; 11:25-26).

Mohammed was swift to shed blood (Romans 3:15-17);
Christ shed His own blood for the salvation of many (Ephesians 1:7).

Mohammed preached "Death to the infidels!";
Christ prayed "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).

Mohammed declared a holy war (Jihad) against infidels;
Christ achieved a holy victory on Calvary's cross (Colossians 2:14-15) and His followers share in that victory (John 16:33).

Mohammed constrained people by conquest;
Christ constrained people by love (2 Corinthians 5:14).

Modern terrorists derive their inspiration from Mohammed and carry out their despicable atrocities in the name of his god;
Christians derive their inspiration from the One who said, "Blessed are the peacemakers" (Matthew 5:9).

Modern day disciples of Mohammed respond to the terrorist attacks by cheering in the streets;
Modern day disciples of Christ are deeply grieved at past atrocities carried out by those who were "Christians" in name only (the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, etc.).

Many Muslims are peaceful and peace-loving because they do not strictly follow the teachings of their founder;
Many Christians are peaceful and peace-loving because they do strictly follow the teachings of their Founder (Romans 12:17-21).

Muhammed said the Koran is authoritative only in Arabic, and only in his dialect;
The Bible is authoritative in many languages around the world, for God knows all things and can inspire His Word in more than one language.

Muhammed hated music;
Jesus and His disciples sang hymns, and the Apostle commanded the Lord's Church to sing. (Matthew 26:30, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16)

Muhammed allowed that a Mullah, Imam, or Mufti of Islam can be a terrorist and moral animal like Osama bin Laden;
The Bible requires that a leader in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must be above reproach, and when this is not true, Christians demand such a fallen leader be removed from leadership. (1 Timothy 3:1-7, 5:19-20)

Islam calls on its followers to observe Five Pillars, while all other aspects of life can be vulgar and not affect the Muslim's prospects in Paradise.
The Bible calls on the Christian to submit to the total change of his life by the Spirit of God-- NO area of life and thought is the choice of the follower. (Romans 12:1-2)

The Muslim looks forward to eternity in Paradise where there will be virgins who are used for eternal perpetual copulation.
The Bible believing Christian looks forward to being with Jesus Christ and is delighted with that. (2 Corinthians 5:8)

Muhammed said the witness of a woman was half the value of the witness of a man; and Muhammed said a women goes to Paradise because she satisfies her husband sexually;
The Bible teaches that a husband is to love his wife and be willing to die for her. (Ephesians 5:25)

Mohammed called upon his servants to fight;
Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world; if My kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight . . .but now is My kingdom not from here" (John 18:36)

Mohammed ordered death to the Jews (see A.Guillaume, The Life of Muhammad, Oxford University Press [1975], p. 369);
Christ ordered that the gospel be preached "to the Jew first" (Romans 1:16).

The Koran says, "Fight in the cause of Allah" (Qu'ran 2.244);
The Bible says, "we wrestle not against flesh and blood" and "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal" (Ephesians 6:12; 2 Corinthians 10:4).

The Koran says, "Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them" (Qu'ran 9.5);
Christ said, "Preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15).

The Koran says, "I will inspire terror into the hearts of unbelievers" (Qu'ran 8.12);
God inspires His terror into the hearts of believers (Isaiah 8:13).

The Koran (Qu'ran) is a terrorist manual which condones fighting, conflict, terror, slaughter, and genocide against those who do not accept Islam;
The Bible is a missionary manual to spread the gospel of peace to all the world (Romans 10:15).

Mohammed's Mission was to conquer the world for Allah;
Christ's mission was to conquer sin's penalty and power by substitutionary atonement (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:18).

Mohammed considered Christ a good prophet;
Christ pronounced Mohammed to be a false prophet (John 10:10; Matthew 24:11).

Mohammed claimed that there was but one God, Allah;
Christ claimed that He was God (John 10:30-31; John 8:58-59; John 5:18; John 14:9).

Islam is geocentric, that is, the whole universe is centered on the Kaaba in the Grand mosque in Mecca in Arabia, and all Muslims pray facing that direction;
Jesus Christ is the center of all Christian worship and fellowship, for He is "in the midst" where his saints meet anywhere on earth. (Matthew 18:20, John 4:22-23)

Mohammed's Tomb: OCCUPIED!
Christ's tomb: EMPTY!

Islam must be received, or you can be killed for rejecting it:
The Faith offered by Jesus Christ is for "whosoever will" to receive, and all men are permitted to reject it. (Revelation 22:17, John 3:16)

Those who leave Islam are killed in most Islamic nations;
Those who leave the true Church of Jesus Christ are allowed to do so with no revenge.

Now, is a Muslim submitted to Allah and Islam because he loves Allah?
He dare not leave Islam, and he is loyal purely out of fear.
The true Bible believer is loyal to Jesus Christ purely out of love.
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 19 We love him, because he first loved us.

This concept is 100% alien to Islam-- There is no love in Islam-- Only fear and hate.

Many Thanks goes to Lessa4 from for posting this.

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OK, you must be a pastor's kid. Or Philip Yancey.Seriously, that is an impressive score. Good job. Too bad salvation comes through faith, not works. BURN. (Let's hope not literally, though.)

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You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan

You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavly by John Wesley and the Methodists.

Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan


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Roman Catholic



Cruelty from the Quran

For the Cause of Allah


"Jesus Christ Himself is the final exegesis of all truth. He is all that we need to know about God, and He is all that we need to know about man." Major W. Ian Thomas


"The Crusades to the East were in every way defensive wars. They were a direct response to Muslim aggression—an attempt to turn back or defend against Muslim conquests of Christian lands. Christians in the eleventh century were not paranoid fanatics. Muslims really were gunning for them. While some individual Muslims can be peaceful, Islam was born in war and grew the same way. From the time of Mohammed, till today in Southern Sudan, Kashmir, Chechnya, South Thailand, South Philippines (Mindanao) the means of Muslim expansion was always the sword." ( History of the Crusades against Jihad )
"Before the Crusades, the Christians in all their wars never crossed the limits of civility. A limit that had been turned upside down by the Muslims with their subterfuge, rape, slaughter and double-crossing and hoodwinking the enemy with means of immoral psychological warfare (psyops). It was in response to this that the Crusades returned the Muslim bestiality with a corresponding bestiality. This corresponding bestiality was in fact why the first Crusade was a success. This corresponding bestiality was also the reason why a century and a half later the Mongols under Hulagu Khan were successful against the Muslims in 1258 when they sacked Baghdad." ( History of the Crusades against Jihad )
"It was in response to the Muslim bestiality and unprovoked attack on Christendom starting in 629 from the battle of Mu’ta that the Crusades answered the Muslim bestiality with a corresponding bestiality. This corresponding bestiality was in fact why the first Crusade was a success. This corresponding bestiality was also the reason why a century and a half later the Mongols under Hulagu Khan were successful against the Muslims in 1258 when they sacked Baghdad. Without this corresponding bestiality which in fact should outdo the Muslim bestiality, there is no hope for anyone to defeat and destroy the Muslims – who are the worst threat to a civilized way of life." ( History of the Crusades against Jihad )
"A Crusader of yore. It was their ruthless bravery that helped Europe remain a civilized continent and enjoy a millennium of relative peace and progress with our Renaissance, Reformation, the Industrial Revolution and the Age of Reason. Had it not been for the Crusaders, we would have all been yelling blood-curdling slogans like “Death to this” and “Death to that” as do the Muslims all over the Muslim world till today." ( History of the Crusades against Jihad )


Your Political Profile:
Overall: 85% Conservative, 15% Liberal
Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?
You scored as Socially Conservative Republican, Social conservatives share a belief in traditional morality and social mores and the desire to preserve these in present day society, often through civil law or regulation. The government should use its influence in the public square to support traditional family values.
Socially Conservative Republican


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You scored as Artillery/Aircraft

You are an artillery/armor soldier. Fighting really isn't your strongsuit, and instead you prefer to sit back and blow things up with your 80+ mile range. This isn't to say you don't have a strong sense of duty and honor. You just seem to be smarter about it than most others around you. You agree with Gen Patton's words: "The object of war isn't to die for you country, it's to make the other bastard die for his."

Special Ops






Support Gunner


Combat Infantry/Armor







Which American Civil War General are you?
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You scored as General Nathan Bedford Forrest

Perhaps the finest cavalry general of the war, you've been called a genious by historian Shelby Foote. A down and dirty fighter, you rarely lose and truthfully, well, you're more than a bit scary...

General Nathan Bedford Forrest


General George McClellan


General James Longstreet


General Ambrose Burnside


William T. Sherman


U.S. Grant


Robert E. Lee


Stonewall Jackson


General Phillip Sheridan


General Jeb Stuart

5%You scored 100% which means you are

a hardcore conservative.You believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.
Conservative or Liberal
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You would make a great PRESIDENT.
You like the idea of having the population controlling its government. You feel you are here to serve the people and have their best interests and the country's at heart. However, corruption is rife - and so is discontent. You are getting sick and fed up of protesters rallying around you - pelting you with eggs. You have become the butt of jokes on national TV and those grey hairs are starting to show. Perhaps you should rule a little more firmly?

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Similarities between the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul

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Some Articles About The Holy Trinity

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Its In The Quran (Surahs 10 - 18)

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Taqiyya - Lying for Allah

here is an article and a video about Taqiyya. after reading and watching you will see why i have a hard time trusting Muslims. let's start:from
Posted by Cyber Crusader on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:44:00 PST

Chronological History of violent expansion of Islam Starting From Mr. Mohammad

This history lesson brought to you by  source of history lesson by a poster named yeezevee, i will only post up to the first crusade but his posts go all the way up to the 20th c...
Posted by Cyber Crusader on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:30:00 PST

The Truth about Islamic Crusades and Imperialism

November 27, 2005 The Truth about Islamic Crusades and Imperialism By James ArlandsonHistorical facts say that Islam has been imperialisticand would still like to be, if only ...
Posted by Cyber Crusader on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 09:52:00 PST

New Testament Manuscripts

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John Hagee and Walid Shoebat: Islam Unveiled - All Parts

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Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ

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