Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae profile picture

Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae

I do not take drugs. I am drugs

About Me

... this demon named Lucifuge Rofocale
is in charge of Hell's government by order of Lucifer
The name Lucifuge comes from two Latin words;
lux (light; genitive lucis),
and fugio (to flee), which means "[he who] flees the light".
Rofocale, one should note,
is pronounced with the 'e' as silent,
making it "Rofocal", Rofocale being an anagram
for Focalor, the name of another demon.
Il faut etre toujours ivre. Tout est la : c'est l'unique question. Pour e pas sentir
l'horrible fardeau de Temps
qui brise epaules et vous penche
vers la terre, il faut
vous enivrer sans treve.

heard the old, old men say,
'Everything alters,
And one by one we drop away.'
They had hands like claws, and their knees
Were twisted like the old thorn-trees
By the waters.
I heard the old, old men say,
'All that's beautiful drifts away
Like the waters.'
he wildering glances of a harlot fair
seen gliding toward us like the silver wake
of undulant moonlight on the quivering lake
when Phoebe bathes her languorous beauty there;
the last gold coins a gambler's fingers hold;
the wanton kiss of love-worn Adeline,
the wheedling songs that leave the will supine
— like far-off cries of sorrow unconsoled —
all these, o bottle deep, were never worth
the pungent balsams in thy fertile girth
stored for the pious poet's thirsty heart;
thou pourest hope and youth and strength anew,
— and pride, this treasure of the beggar-crew,
that lifts us like triumphant gods, apart!

" Trzeba wciaz byc pijanym.
To caly sekret, w tym tkwi wszystko."
Poprzez arkady gdzie lsniacy snieg
Lezy wraz ze smutnymi i przekletymi
Oplacony lament ledwo wznosi sie ponad szept
Prowadzil Mnie niczym duch w miejsca nawiedzane przez Czlowieka
l'horrible fardeau de Temps
qui brise epaules et vous penche
vers la terre, il faut
vous enivrer sans treve.
~. . .~
~. . .~
esert claims Eden
And Hyperborean
Visions of Utopia are driven from the sun
Before thee angels clasped
In nakedness their ochre flesh
Shall yield to thy advance
She is all to me
Mysterious, alive
The howling in the deep woods
When cold festal stars aligned

ternal brood the shadows on this ground,
Dreaming of centuries that have gone before;
Great elms rise solemnly by slab and mound,
Arched high above a hidden world of yore.
Round all the scene a light of memory plays,
And dead leaves whisper of departed days,
Longing for sights and sounds that are no more.
Lonely and sad, a specter glides along Aisles
where of old his living footsteps fell;
No common glance discerns him, though his song Pearls down
through time with a mysterious spell.
Only the few who sorcery's secret know,
Espy amidst these tombs the shade of Poe.
nder The dark owls sit in solemn state,
Like stranger gods; by twos and twos
Their red eyes gleam. They meditate.
Motionless thus they sit and dream
Until that melancholy hour
When, with the sun's last fading gleam,
The nightly shades assume their power.
From their still attitude the wise
Will learn with terror to despise
All tumult, movement, and unrest;
For he who follows every shade,
Carries the memory in his breast,
Of each unhappy journey made.
hou, sharper than a dagger thrust
Sinking into my plaintive heart,
Thou, frenzied and arrayed in lust,
Strong as a demon host whose art
Possessed my humbled soul at last,
Made it thy bed and thy domain,
Strumpet, to whom I am bound fast
As is the convict to his chain,
The stubborn gambler to his dice,
The rabid drunkard to his bowl,
The carcass to its vermin lice —
O thrice-accursèd be thy soul!
I called on the swift sword to smite
One blow to free my life of this,
I begged perfidious aconite
For succor in my cowardice.
But sword and poison in my need
Heaped scorn upon my craven mood,
Saying: "Unworthy to be freed,
From thine accursed servitude,
O fool, if through our efforts, Fate
Absolved thee from thy sorry plight,
Thy kisses would resuscitate
Thy vampire's corpse for thy delight.
~. . .~
You scored as III - The Empress. The Empress is a maternal symbol. She is the mother figure who loves, nurtures and protects. She will protect you, she will always be there when you are in trouble. When you fall over and graze your knee, the Empress will kiss it better. Yet she is not a weak figure. Her compassion is strength. If her children are threatened she will stop at nothing to protect them. If well aspected in a Tarot spread, the Empress can symbolise security, protection and unconditional love. If badly aspected it can represent over-protectiveness, fear of risk taking and refusal to face the real world.

III - The Empress


II - The High Priestess


I - Magician


XV: The Devil


XIX: The Sun


VIII - Strength


VI: The Lovers


XVI: The Tower


0 - The Fool


IV - The Emperor


XIII: Death


XI: Justice


X - Wheel of Fortune

Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
created with

My Interests

Thou art my seventh heaven burning
- - Going down as with the day ...

--- y our memories are like unto ashes, your bodies to bodies of clay... ---


iterature. English classic romantics. GGByron, PShelley, JKeats.
ChPBaudelaire. EAPoe.

Cupid is seated on the skull
Of Humanity;
On this throne the impious one
With the shameless laugh

Is gaily blowing round bubbles
That rise in the air
As if they would rejoin the globes
At the ether's end.

The sphere, fragile and luminous,
Takes flight rapidly,
Bursts and spits out its flimsy soul
Like a golden dream.

I hear the skull groan and entreat
At every bubble:
"When is this fierce, ludicrous game
To come to an end?

Because what your pitiless mouth
Scatters in the air,
Monstrous murderer — is my brain,
My flesh and my blood!"


~Black and White, or Sepia, old fashioned macabre;
~Darkly Romantic photography - especially traditional.

~Apocalyptic and bible scenes. Caravaggio, Micheloangelo.
~Artistic decadent nudes.
~Macabre and psychedelic. Zdzislaw Beksinski.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Alphonse Mucha, Franz von Stuck, Carlos Schwabe, Caspar David Friedrich.

-Other, wide kinds of Art: ~Various artistic installations, experimental shows, movie forms, provoctaions & etc.

Zmierzch wieczorny.

O nocy! rzezwiaca cemnosci! Dla mnie jestes zwiastunkawewnetrznego swieta, dla mnie jestes wyzwoleniem od leków! Gorejace gwiazdy, buzujace latarnie! W pustce równinnych pól, w kamiennych labiryntach stolic jestescie fajerwerkami bogini, której na imie Wolnosc. Zmierzchu, jakzes lagodny i miekki! Rózowe blaski trwajace jeszcze na horyzonci, jak agonia dnia w zwycieskim uscisku nocy, ognie kandelabrów, kontrastujace plamami stezonej czerwieni z ostatnimi splendorami zachodzacego slonca, ciezkie draperie, dobyywane niewidzialna reka z otchlani Wschodu - wszystko to nasladuje skomplikowane uczucia, które w podnioslych godzinach zycia zmagaja sie w sercu czlowieka.

(...) tak jak przez mroczna terazniejszosc przeswieca cudowna przeszlosc, a migocace na nim srebrne i zlote gwiazdy sa jak plomienie wyobrazni, rozpalajace sie wspaniale tylko w gestej zalobie nocy.

I'd like to meet:

... — nd yet you will be like this corruption,
Like this horrible infection,
Star of my eyes, sunlight of my being,
You, my angel and my passion!

Yes! thus will you be, queen of the Graces,
After the last sacraments,
When you go beneath grass and luxuriant flowers,
To molder among the bones of the dead.

Then, O my beauty! say to the worms who will
Devour you with kisses,
That I have kept the form and the divine essence
Of my decomposed love!

Days and moments quickly flying,
Blend the living with the dead;
Soon will you and I be lying
Each within our narrow bed.

Edward Caswall (1814-1879)



nderground Gothic & Ethereal & Ambient, DarkAmbient & NeoFolk, Folk & Death/Gothic Rock of the 80's; black/gothic metal; european bands described as Goth; Horror Punk, Soundtracks; Classical - gregorian chorals, symphonical, fugues, oratories etc., Especially full of splendour organ compositions.

enerally - ethereal vanishing echoes whit accompaniment of funeral-like marches and quiet mourns. Music of spheres...

~ . . . ~

.. Lisa Hammer, Wojciech Kilar, Sopor Aeternus, Dead Can Dance, Cocteau Twins, Love is Colder Than Death, Unto Ashes, Danny Elfman, Ataraxia, Elend, Deine Lakaien, Ulver, Mors Syphilitica, This Ascension, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, Faith and Disease, Katatonia, Wishing Well, Ageless, Johnny Hollow, Type O Negative, Faith and The Muse, Diamanda Galas, Hungry Lucy, Inkubus Sukkubus, Switchblade Symphony, Love Spirals Downwards, The Cure, Corpus Delicti, Requiem in White, My Dying Bride, Cradle of Filth from 1991 till 2001, Opeth, The Dresden Dolls, Christian Death...
and more.

nocturnal haunted opera, the most inspired music of ever...



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Charles Pierre Baudelaire;
Edgar Allan Poe;
George Gordon Byron;
Endre Ady;
Guillaume Apollinaire;
Percy Shelley;
William Butler Yeats;
Julian Przybos;
Krzysztof Kamil Baczynski;
Jim Morrison;
Halina Poswiatowska;
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe;
Janet Fitch;
Howard Phillips Lovecraft;
Eliot Thomas Stearns;
Jacques Prevert;
Michail Bulgakov...


" Gasna juz swiatla, rzecz skonczona.
I ponad larw drgajacych wir
Z hukiem opuszcza sie zaslona
W zalobny spowija kir.

Mówia anioly z bladych powiek
Lzy ocierajac w czasie przerw,
Ze sztuka ta ma tytul - Czlowiek
Herosem jej: Zdobywca Czerw ."
-CZERW ZDOBYWCA, z poematu proza pt.LIGEJA

tomasz beksinski.

My Blog


Spisuj moj dziwaczn opowie[Egzystujc jeszcze tylko na jej marginesie.Nikt poza mn nie potrafi mnie dostrzec,A wszystkie gBosy, które sByszTo tylko wytwory mojej tsknoty.Bezradny rozbijam si o...
Posted by Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae on Sat, 31 May 2008 12:34:00 PST

piesn nad piesniami

(Pierwszy List do Koryntian, 13 RozdziaB)(2 wers)Gdybym te| miaB dar prorokowaniai znaB wszystkie tajemnice,a miBo[ci bym nie miaB,byBbym niczym. (4 wers) MiBo[ cierpliwa jest, Baskawa jest. MiBo...
Posted by Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:44:00 PST


In an land ... so dark ... of seven moons ... eternal night, with a sky of thousand stars, yet, for us there is no light...- there waits no light....
Posted by Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:05:00 PST


Our shattered pride inhaled by you Rejecting innocence Betrayed by your own kind-a selfish deed I’m calling you to conquer me Rescue me To conquer the angel’s laugh An urge to feel tempta...
Posted by Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:40:00 PST


there is in all the worldno greater love than mine.ALR...
Posted by Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:00:00 PST


Posted by Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 12:21:00 PST


i will kiss you i will kiss youi will kiss you forever on nights like thisi will kiss you i will kiss youand we shall be together......
Posted by Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 02:05:00 PST

I break

Sounds of imbalanceSleeps through the neverThe artificial lightsourceIs creeping with fliesAnd this time I breakI will never makeAnother dayDefiant to what's deliveredI will find a wayTo sever myselfE...
Posted by Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 05:43:00 PST

Pseudomonarcha Daemonium

Lucifuge RofocalRank = KingCandle = BlackPlant = Wild RoseElement = FirePlanet = Jupiter & SaturnMetal = Silver... Emperor Lucifer, Master of all the revolted Spirits, I entreat thee to favour me in t...
Posted by Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 12:44:00 PST

you are i

When you are sick / I'll be the cureFor your sadness / I'll be the laughWhen you cry / I'll be the tearThe carmine one / so full of fearWhen you're down / I'll be the wingsThat raise you higher and hi...
Posted by Lucifuge Rofocale Dei gratia Infans Regni Poloniae on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 12:39:00 PST