I love meeting fellow creators at cons and stuff. So anyone I haven't met yet in those circles, I'd love to meet.Also I'd like to meet The Addams Family. I think I'd fit in.
Which Star Wars Jedi/Sith are you?
Anakin Skywalker
Oh boy, you are a tough one to decipher. You have great evil and great good in you, but your evil is not pure, it stemmed from your confusion and your love for the closest one to you. This same love would eventually pull you out of your dark funk. You are an excellent swordsman, having dealt with Dooku and Mace Windu, your son (the first time) and, dare I say, I dozen ten year old kids *tsk* tsk*. You are also very arrogant … Obi-Wan told you not to jump, but noooooooo …
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Something of everything but not everything of one thing.
Star Wars ('course), LOTR, Addams Family, Gremlins 1 and 2, Deep Blue Sea, Halloweens, Nightmares, Fridays, Ah bugger it, I enjoy most things I watch.
Buffy, The Bill, 'toons.
Star Wars (cheesy crap I hear you cry. Whatever.), Jack the Ripper books, Harry Potter. I'm a geek, OK?
Nobody I absolutely idolise, but far too many to name that I have huge, huge respect for.