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Everyone is SELF made - only Successful People Admit It.

About Me

MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

Hi and Welcome!

My name is Cherise Greski and I live in a suburb of Chicago called Westchester. I AM a Princess of Prosperity…sowing seeds of increase INTO others.

I work with several different groups – but I receive some of my primary inspiration from a group called the Warriors Nest … headed up by Joe Schroeder. (Go ahead and google him if you want…)

Joe revolutionized network marketing in the 90’s by developing the concept of ‘funded proposal’. You’ve probably read about that on a dozen different sites – and that’s because he has mentored some of the bigger names on the internet today. Since I just hooked up with this group, I was surprised to discover that because I really thought the ‘gurus’ out there had all come up with this independent approach to marketing.

(You’ve just GOT to hear Joe in “ Death Match – Joe vs the Internet ” to learn the TRUTH about the gurus… They, too, are running scared because of the changes with Web 2.0 – the old stuff just don’t WORK no more!)

What a hoot to discover differently… and that gives EVERYONE hope because if the gurus can learn it – so can you and I!

Allow me to INCREASE you NOW… Here is my FIRST free gift to you – Feast your eyes, twirl your brain… Get Joe’s Book !

Along with Joe, there is Diane Hochman – The QUEEN of Quick Link Marketing. I’m continually learning from her – it’s amazing what this lady does – she is daily pushing the envelope and I invite you along for the ride with me… And, as I learn – so can you –

Why and How I found them…

Well, I bought into the concept of the direct sales marketing approach to network marketing … and this model does work – but it’s important to know what that approach does and does not give you for building a long term residual income. I also wanted to generate leads.

If you’re marketing ANYTHING – LEADS are the lifeblood of your business. A continuous, never ending and inexpensive source of PREQUALIFIED leads… That search led me down several paths… ( Ask me about all the ‘free’ stuff I’ve got to share – why buy when I can GIVE you this stuff…)

Hey, let’s be straight – the automated systems of the fast buck on the internet are dying… People are becoming even more JADED in using them… The buy in is cheap (hey, have you seen the $7 sales all over the net?) but they don’t DELIVER!

So, I searched and discovered the KING of RECIPROCITY - at the Warrior's Nest ...

Get IN or Get DONE --- how the Gurus are messing with you...

Get on our calls each week - you'll find Joe exchanging his energy with the group on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:27pm Eastern

1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

I'm usually there as well - soaking up the energy, providing energy and just BEing with the group - come BE with us... eh?

So... Who IS Cherise???

First off... I AM... and you can learn about why that is important if you join me on the calls...

Being raised Catholic - all this 'occult' stuff (as it was lumped back then) was TOTALLY out of bounds so I had to slowly incorporate that into my life without raising any eyebrows. I was very religious growing up - I was the first altar girl in a Catholic church back in the early 70's... they were desperate because no boys would serve. I started public speaking when I was 7 saying the liturgy for Saturday masses and then high masses. I got 'kicked off' the altar when my body started catching up with my gender... no WAY was the cardinal of Chicago gonna allow a mere GIRL to be on the altar.

I've been into the Law of Attraction (LOA) for most all of my life - starting at the age of 12 when I saved money from my first job to send overseas for a book called "Cosmology" that I had to sneak into the house! I fell in love with the concepts of creating my own reality, drawing money to me and creating a life that I wanted.

I actually thought about and studied for a while to become a nun - I taught Catechism classes for two years -- They asked me to leave when I started teaching how everyone was connected and God was in everyone and everything. The last straw was when my 4th grade class had what I would call a 'miracle' experience... I was teaching about the connectedness of everyone and how love is the foundation of all that we are when the classroom was filled with an extremely bright white light, the sound of otherworld music and a beautiful woman appeared in the middle of the classroom! My students looked at her in awe -- hey, so did I -- it's not every day that one has a vision with 20 students in a classroom.

Ah, that was the talk of the children for weeks. The parents (for the most part) were actually quite supportive and glad their children experienced something so wonderful and that they were INTERESTED in God. The Church, on the other hand, was NOT amused!

And, that fueled my continually growth in the nature of the Universe, God and SELF development.

But, all metaphysics (and brain twisting) aside...

I've done so many things that people just dream about doing... and I have so many MORE things that I WILL achieve but here are some of the highlights that I love to share...

    Drove cross country - twice - saw the great Salt Lake as salt AND water within a week... (now THAT was a wild ride) Gambled my way across the country so I could see ALASKA -- and won thousands along the way... Been chased by a rampaging mother bison (you do NOT want to tangle with one of those...) Had 1/2 foot of snow dumped INTO MY CAR on the top of Mt Rushmore Applied for a Balance Bar grant to take the 5 mile walk across the Mackinaw Bridge Raised a quarter of a million dollars in six weeks for a major medical school - stressful but TOTALLY cool... Taught thousands on computers, motivational techniques, leadership, process improvements Helped dozens to learn public speaking, self confidence and personal development Built dozens of websites when the web was young Created systems that impact hundreds of thousands of lives across the state of Illinois Held 15 different jobs in 25 years - because I could NEVER just stay in place - I always had to BE moving... growing... becoming

Many say I am incredibly 'lucky' and I would readily agree. I attract some of the most amazing situations, people and circumstances into my life. Long before it was popular - I was 'sharing the wealth' with others and having a whole lot of fun doing it. Hooking up with the Warriors Nest is just a natural extension of that wanting to share the wealth concept and I'm tremendously appreciative for having attracted the group - and YOU - into my life.

And, now, I turn my hand to Network Marketing - particularly in helping people get OUT OF DEBT by being SMART about MONEY ....

This has now become my new passion...

Why - well, I've been burnt by the popular approaches to finances and how the financial industry is setup. BECAUSE it IS a SET UP. If you only KNEW how debt is created and managed - it would make your hair stand on edge. And, I'm TICKED because no one is TALKING about it. No one is really DOING anything about it.

We do NOT educate our children about the real laws of money in this world. We do NOT show them how to manage their expectations - that is why 'get rich quick' schemes are so prevalent - so popular - because we do not know HOW to address our desires and ATTRACT those things that we want easily and effortlessly.

Thank you for reading to this point... My goal is to inspire 100,000 people to take command of their financial and spiritual lives by 2012. That would be the greatest 50th birthday present I could imagine. You can help me get there - let me add unto you today... Allow me to enter your life and show you all that I have learned so that you can be in charge of your life RIGHT NOW.


If so, sign up for my newsletter or send me a note... I'll be glad to meet cha...

Find out more about me at or check out my other site: AspireHigherCommunications

My Interests

Marketing - particularly direct marketing; Sharing the Wealth - I LOVE to do that! Traveling - I've been to 25/50 states - how many have you been to? My goal is to visit all 50 states and have friends in all of them by 2012 - want to be added? Casino hopping... I have a vast collection of casino cards - some that are 15 years old!

I'd like to meet:

YOU... Because I want to SHARE with you the most incredible group of like-minded individuals you will ever meet. The Warrior's Nest Master Mind group.

Let Me Plant INCREASE into YOUR life today
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Find out more about me... Cherise Greski
Online Money Mastery


Friday nights are sacred - Ghost Whisper & Numbers - nuthin' else...


My mom, my husband and anyone WILLING to push the envelope, break from the trial consciousness and BE

My Blog

Do You Have The Power Of "Y"...?

Have you been online for a while...? Have you obtained the level of success you've envisioned? If not, "y" not? Perhaps, you're missing the incredible POWER OF "Y"... What is the POWER OF "Y"... &n...
Posted by Cherise on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 08:56:00 PST

Bury The Words "I Can't" Today...

Bury the words I CAN'T... Do it TODAY... STOP letting others control your life... STOP the downward spiral of defeat... I GIVE free ebooks, postcards, audios, support, coaching... http://www.Dynamic...
Posted by Cherise on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 07:19:00 PST

Fellow Marketer... Are You Getting These Emails???

As a fellow online marketer - do you get these types of emails...? I sent this out to my PRIVATE list ( Wanted to share with you my response - perhaps it will help...
Posted by Cherise on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 10:33:00 PST

Can a small group of individuals make a difference?

My husband and I were talking this morning about how to communicate to people who have joined your business but haven't gotten the gumption to DO anything with it. You know the ones... I can't...It wo...
Posted by Cherise on Sat, 19 May 2007 08:24:00 PST

Cooperation = The Essence of Getting Ahead

"Getting along with others in the essence of getting ahead, success being linked with cooperation". ~ William Feather I've been on MySpace for less than a week... What a whirlwind experience it's bee...
Posted by Cherise on Tue, 15 May 2007 07:28:00 PST

Celebrating Mother's Day...

Taking a break for mundane business things today to reflect on moms... First, I want to wish my mom a wonderful Mother's Day... She may read this, she may not - since NASCAR is on today - forget...
Posted by Cherise on Sun, 13 May 2007 07:55:00 PST

It's Amazing What You Attract...Especially When You Focus

Have you ever had the experience in your life that once you started focusing on something, I mean really being aware of it that it is EVERYWHERE!?!?! Having joined a few days ago - all I knew about My...
Posted by Cherise on Sat, 12 May 2007 08:45:00 PST

Lost In MySpace? How To Use MySpace For Fun & Profit...

Well, I've been on MySpace a grand total of 4 days Got myself 19 new friends (WAHOO!) Wondering how this is going to fit into my life and marketing mix And, I'm learning to navigate this interesting ...
Posted by Cherise on Sat, 12 May 2007 07:36:00 PST