Law of Attraction, Social Networking, Having Fun - I'll try anything once, photography, motor racing, eating out, travelling worldwide, going to the gym, playing golf and Horse riding. Nutrition, Health, Diabetes, MLM, Business Opportunities, Mentoring, IT Training, Fund Raising, Helping Charities, Business, Reading a good Personal Development/Motivational Book, attending seminars on the subject. I love NLP.
People that are similar to myself with positive mind-sets, with an unlimiting belief system who lives in the NOW, who loves fun, making friends, where money is in alignment with your values and integrity. People who are Life Coaches, Mentors, Spiritual, Entrepreneurs and people who are looking for time and financial freedom who are already involved in personal development or want to get involved, serious people who already have or want to change their lives for the better.
myspace layout
Myspace layouts
A bit of everything, Rock, Soul, Rn&B, Pop etc., Seen in concert Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Dire Straits, Toto, Frankie Beverly & Maize...
Loads of films I have not seen, but I always say I'll watch them in my old age LOL. I love watching anything with Steven Segal WOW!!, Adam Sandler, Steve Martin, Richard Pryor & Gene Wilder, THE SECRET.
Very little - when I do it's just to relax, I can take it or leave it. In the 80's use to love Miami Vice, Dallas, Dynasty, Falcon Crest, Flamingo Road, The Colbys
Think and Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill, The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olsen, 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness, by Jim Rohn, Mary Kay, by Mary Kay Ash, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki. The Science of Getting Rich, Notes From A Friend, by Anthony Robbins, Success in 10 Steps, by Michael Dlouhy download your free copy at Success In 10 Steps
GOD * without him we would not be on earth.
One of my heroes is Tom "Big Al" Schrieter * - who travels the world giving people free and invaluable training in MLM - Networking Marketing. With over 33 years experience he is a humble person although he is very wealthy.
Dr Tony Quinn *, Educo Mind Power (also mentioned in The Secret)
Sir Richard Branson, Head of The Virgin Group (who I had the pleasure of meeting on a train in 2000 at Euston in UK). I always use Sir Richard and Virgin as an example when I am training Software packages - Microsoft Excel or Outlook. I talk about Sir Richard so much and as the Law of Attraction is always working that's the reason why I met him on the train and was able to shake hands with him. What a Wonderful Person!
Ayo Olaseinde * Saladmaster Stafford, UK - another wonderful person who cares and shares.
* = Millionaire Mentors who I have the honour of working with on a personal basis whenever I need to.
Rhonda Byrne and The Teachers of The Secret