4 Da' Funk-A-Teers
I am just a guy who is here 2 have sum fun, meet sum friends and network with folx that are in Da' techie indutries like me. All 'round techie...I am. Decided 2 create this page 2 promote my bidness...but it wound up B'in' stupendously fun just socializing with my network of friends. So I will continue 2 do just that. (But still B on Da' look out 4 Da' Launching of my new website. U'll B able 2 buy Da' electronics U really want, and then sum...)
I am very careful when it comes to trusting people because they tend to let U down.I work in and around Crenshaw, Inglewood and other South Bay, as well as all over Da' West L.A. areas in Da' tech field, repairing, upgrading, and fixing PC's (I am Da' PC specialist...), but can find time to make time 2 Network with good folx. I would love 2 find some interested parties 2 join me in Da' tech related & entertainment endeavors I am working on, related to TV, internet and other venues. Some out there wanna know how 'Da' Doggi' really looks. Let us see how I look...
I wear a trimmed beard (I variate on styles from time 2 time...), medium long waved hair, 6' 3", about 245lbs., no visable scars, no tats, no piercings, fair muscle tone but not WWE material (quite). I'm not toothless, I don't wear glasses but shades (sometime reading glasses). I think I dress nice. Not much on jewelry but do wear it on occasions. I do like to wear hats.I don't got reason not to hide my face, other than I wanna see how far I can get on my intellect first. I'm not like those 'pretty boys' who let their bodies speak for them, then Da' ladies end up disappointed. You get me from Da' inside out...then you know what you gettin' into before you jump.
I may eventually add a pic to my page, but for now...What U C Is What U Get...