Over a decade ago, singer/songwriter, Victor Benavides moved to Los Angeles in order to embark on his “definitive journey “. Immediately upon his arrival, he had a chance encounter with two extraordinary musicians that would one day play an integral part in shaping the “California Cowboy “ sound that is Cactys Fire.Guitarist, “ Derock “ Goodwin and Drummer, Gabriel “ Frontrow †Rowland were each immersed in the Rock N’ Roll milieu of 90’s L.A. and it didn’t take long before they were lending their talents in one another’s projects. But it wouldn’t be until 2006 when they would finally find themselves band-mates in the unlikely genre of what they would term “ Urban Country “.By then, the group already consisted of two stellar musicians in Guitarist, Henry Bermudez and Bassist/Guitarist, Greg Blew - there since it was just a “cactys spark “ at the turn of the millennium.
With the line-up now solidified, they were ready to head into the studio & the choice was a no-brainer. Frontrow, now an accomplished Writer/Producer, offered up his “ digs “ – Gabby Rowd Studios. Now available for your listening pleasure is a few cuts from the upcoming debut album on
Bad Vic-trola Records , CACTYS FIRE.
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