About Me
my name is maria theophilou.i work as electronics engineer for money and backstage and production for fun(money sometimes..)..
love sea,music,
play theatre,
adobe photoshop,
draw comixxx(as you see at the slide show..),
riding motobike...(as you can't see..)
1999-2000 i was playing godness athena with lakis karalis as director the ancent tragody eschilous orestia in anchient greak language(tour in greece and france..),
2002 theatre project: about lavrio..
2003 percussionist of samba group batuca
(most famous live at percussion festival at petra theatre),
2004 i made(director,production,member) "thorivos" group with musisians and actors.we had a tour at portugal with toca rufar music foundation as cyprus national culture organization representative.
sinse then i video recording festivals and music live performances,lighting..
for www.nisidis.com(with tsopana rave,magic de spell,closer, palyrria,direct connection, surf juzzer, giwrgo dimitriadi, imam baildi and more..)
last summer i was video recording extreme aqua sports in kamari-santorini.................................
now i create flyers for concerts and more,
myspace layers for my artist friends,
camera,photo shooting live concerts,
internet public relations for music groups,
booking,and photoshop by order..
i am from cyprus live in athens..
maria theophilou