About Me
First and foremost let me start off by saying that every great woman deserves a proper introduction. With that being said, please allow me to introduce myself.... for those of you who do not know me on a personal basis, I go by my business name Ms. Irene Dee. Born and raised in the heart of Lower East Side Manhattan, unlike most individuals, I took what I learned in the streets, combined it with raw intellect and determination, and used it to my advantage. With the hunger to make my presence felt in a male dominated industry, I have to give much props to my mother who gave me the confidence to feel comfortable as a woman in my own skin, and for teaching me that there is nothing more refreshing than an independent,intelligent,latin woman who is on her way to accomplishing many great things. While I carry myself with class, elegance and poise, please do not get it twisted! I am a "certified paper chaser". Which in turn means, I am an honest person, but I do not always play by the rules. Get in my way, and I have no problem stepping on your toes to get where I need to be. Question my authority and I have no problem showing you who is the H.B.I.C. On that note, do not sleep on da kid! I am a polished, educated innovator who is out on a mission trying to make something out of nothing. Last but not least, I have to wrap it up by saying that you can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together justifying what could have, would have happened, or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on. So now I leave you with these words of wisdom....remember, a key element in the recipe for success is to always remember where you come from for if you don't, you will never get to where you're going. Always keep in mind there are three types of people in this world...those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who ask themselves what the fuck just happened?! You best to believe I make it happen!