BIOGRAFÃA DE IZAR ( 1985 ) Comienza su andadura musical desde temprana edad estudiando solfeo y piano. Con 14 años elige la guitarra como instrumento de acompañamiento para su voz, y con 16, se zambulle de lleno en la música. AsÃ, inicia sus estudios de canto y guitarra en Mr.Jam. En 2003 gana el concurso de canción organizado por Canal Vizcaya, hecho que la anima a desarrollar esta vertiente de su actividad musical en diferentes combos surgidos en la escuela de música. Participa en el disco de Four Friends (Dzanga, 2006) y a partir de ahà es la cantante del grupo durante dos años .Actualmente, es la cantante del grupo Borderline y la voz y la guitarra
del dúo acústico Izar & Ernesto.
Izar's bio ( born in 1985 ). I have loved the music since I was a child (I listened a lot of music at home). I started my piano and music language studies at the age of 7 and when I was 14 I chose the guitar as my companion at singing. At 16 I decided to take some vocal lessons in a very well named academy called MrJam.There I got several opportunities to sing in front of people with another musicians, and I even won a local tv singing contest. I participated in a Four Friends recording (Dzanga, 2006) and I became the singer of the group for two years. Currently, I am the singer of the band called Borderline. Apart from this, I am working in a new duo project with my guitar teacher and
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